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Can you live with just one kidney?


Some people live with only one kidney, which can happen for several reasons, such as one of them failing to function properly, due to having to extract due to a urinary obstruction, cancer or traumatic accident, after a donation for transplant or even due to a disease known as renal agenesis, in which the person is born with only one kidney.

These people can have a healthy life, but for that they must take some care in their food, exercise regularly, which is not too aggressive and have frequent consultations with the doctor.

How the kidney works alone

When a person has only one kidney, it tends to increase in size and become heavier, because he will have to do the work that would be done by two kidneys.

Some people who are born with only one kidney may suffer from a decrease in kidney function around the age of 25, but if the person is left with only one kidney at a later stage in life, it usually does not have any complications. However, in both situations, having only one kidney does not affect life expectancy.

What precautions to take

People who have only one kidney can have a normal life and be just as healthy as those who have two kidneys, but for this it is important to take care:

  • Reduce the amount of salt ingested at meals; Exercise frequently; Avoid violent sports, such as karate, rugby or football, for example which can cause kidney damage; Reduce stress and anxiety; Stop smoking; Do regular analyzes; Reduce alcohol consumption; Maintain a healthy weight; Maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Generally, it is not necessary to follow a special diet, it is only important to reduce the salt that is used in preparing meals. Learn several tips to reduce salt consumption.

What exams should be performed

When you have only one kidney, you should go to the doctor regularly, in order to perform tests that help to verify that the kidney continues to function normally.

The tests that are usually performed to assess kidney function are the glomerular filtration rate test, which assesses how the kidneys are filtering toxic substances from the blood, analysis of proteins in the urine, since a high level of proteins in the urine it can be a sign of kidney problems, and blood pressure measurement, because the kidneys help control it and in people with only one kidney, it may be slightly elevated.

If any of these tests reveal changes in kidney function, the doctor should establish treatment to prolong the life of the kidney.

Watch the following video and learn what to eat to lower your high blood pressure:

Can you live with just one kidney?