Home Bulls 5 Best Exercises for Osteoporosis and Osteopenia

5 Best Exercises for Osteoporosis and Osteopenia


The best exercises for those who have osteoporosis or osteopenia are weight training, walking or dancing for example, as these are activities that help to delay bone mineral loss, avoiding the risk of bone fractures.

The practice of physical exercises helps to increase muscle strength, improves balance and posture, relieves pain, improves the feeling of well-being and helps in the execution of daily tasks and activities such as cleaning the house or cooking, for example. In addition, physical activity is essential for strengthening bones, as it ensures the entry of calcium into the bones.

See other tips to strengthen bones by watching this video:

However, if the person has severe osteoporosis, or too much excess weight, the doctor may prefer that they do not exercise until the bones are stronger. In such cases, physical therapy can help strengthen bones.

Thus, the best exercises for those who have osteoporosis include:

1. Walk

1. Walk

Walking helps to increase bone density, making bones stronger. In addition, this exercise improves balance and motor coordination, decreasing the risk of falls and, consequently, of fractures. People with osteoporosis or osteopenia should take walks of at least 30 minutes daily.

2. Dance

2. Dance

The dance works directly on the bones of the legs, hips and spine, helping to delay bone mineral loss. In addition, it improves blood circulation and the heart.

3. Going up stairs

3. Going up stairs

Climbing stairs is also a great exercise for osteoporosis, and it is recommended to change all elevators for stairs, especially on the descent, because the impact is greater and, therefore, there is greater stimulation of bone mass production.

4. Gardening

4. Gardening

Gardening is also a great exercise for cases of osteopenia or osteoporosis, as long as the correct posture is maintained, because it involves making impact movements like cutting the grass or using pruning shears to cut the plants, for example, which help to strengthen the bones. Gardening is a great exercise to strengthen your arm bones.

5. Bodybuilding

5. Bodybuilding

Weight training exerts tension on muscles and bones, helping to increase bone density and strengthen bones and lifting weights is excellent for promoting the formation of strong and healthy bones.

Other exercises such as swimming, water aerobics, cycling, yoga or tai chi chuan, although they do not increase bone density, improve cardiovascular function, as well as concentration, balance and strength, helping to reduce the risk of falls.

Before practicing any exercise, it is important to consult the doctor to assess bone density and adapt the exercises to the patient's physical condition and age.

When to stop doing

These exercises should be stopped when there is inflammation or pain during exercise or for more than 24 hours after exercise. In these cases, the doctor should be consulted immediately to assess the situation, identify the cause and guide the appropriate treatment.

Less recommended exercises

Less recommended exercises for osteopenia and osteoporosis include:

  • High impact exercises: such as jumping or aerobics, as they can lead to bone fractures; Flexion and torsion exercises: such as touching your feet with your fingers or doing sit-ups, for example, as there is a greater risk of compression fractures of the spine. Other activities that may require having to bend or twist your waist hard are golf, tennis, bowling and some yoga positions.

These exercises, although less recommended, can be done, according to the severity of osteoporosis and the weakening of the individual's bones. For this reason, it is recommended to always consult the doctor before practicing any exercise.

See also some home remedies that can be used to complement the treatment of osteoporosis, as well as should be the diet of those who have osteoporosis.

5 Best Exercises for Osteoporosis and Osteopenia