Home Home-Remedies 6 Best Home Remedies to End Hoarseness

6 Best Home Remedies to End Hoarseness


Hoarseness is usually caused by an inflammation in the throat that ends up affecting the vocal cords and causing the voice to change. Some of the most common causes are colds and flu, as well as reflux or excessive stress.

However, there are some homemade ways to relieve hoarseness and speed recovery, such as lemon tea or pomegranate peel gargles. In addition, it is also recommended to protect the throat by wearing suitable clothes such as turtlenecks, scarves or scarves, especially if hoarseness occurs in winter.

If the symptoms persist for more than 3 days, it is recommended to consult a general practitioner, especially if you do not have the flu, a cold or if you have not used your voice improperly by speaking too loudly or shouting, for example.

1. Lemon tea with honey

Lemon is rich in vitamin C which helps to strengthen the body's natural defenses, while honey has antioxidant properties that decongest and detoxify the body, helping to treat hoarseness caused by colds and flu.


  • 1 lemon with peel, 1 glass of water, 3 teaspoons of honey.

Method of preparation

Bring the water to a boil and when it threatens to boil, turn off the heat and add the sliced ​​lemon peel. Cover, let it warm, strain and then add the honey. Take this tea 2 to 3 times a day.

2. Pomegranate and watercress gargle

Watercress, pomegranate and honey have properties that aid in the process of cleaning the vocal cords and are very useful in combating hoarseness.


  • 2 glasses of water; 4 sprigs of watercress; 1/2 pomegranate with peel; 3 tablespoons (honey).

Method of preparation

Put the watercress, pomegranate and water in a pan and boil for about 20 minutes, over low heat. Then strain the solution and add the honey. Gargle this solution twice a day.

3. Honey syrup with propolis

Honey and propolis have healing and purifying properties that can help to clean the vocal cords, being beneficial in case of hoarseness or aphonia.


  • 250 ml of warm water, 1 tablespoon of honey, 5 drops of propolis extract.

Method of preparation

Mix all ingredients very well and gargle 3 to 4 times a day for the duration of hoarseness or loss of voice.

4. Turnip syrup with sugar

The turnip has diuretic, expectorant and purifying properties that will help fight diseases that can cause hoarseness such as colds and flu that can be the cause of hoarseness.


  • 1 turnip2 tablespoons of brown sugar; about 1 cup of water.

Method of preparation

Cut the turnip into thin slices, distribute them in a shallow dish and cover the slices with brown sugar. Add enough water just to cover the thin slices by moistening the sugar. Soak for 5 hours and spoon the broth during the day.

5. Oregano tea

A good home remedy for hoarseness is oregano tea, as it has properties that help to clear and purify the throat. To prepare you need the following:


  • 3 fresh oregano leaves; 1 lemon; 500 mL of boiling water; Honey to taste.

Method of preparation

Add the oregano leaves in a pan, cover with boiling water and let stand for about 20 minutes. Then add the juice of 1 lemon and sweeten with honey to taste. You can drink this tea in small doses during the day.

6. Cranberry juice

Another homemade option for hoarseness is blackberry juice, due to its anti-inflammatory properties that help in the treatment of inflammation in the vocal cords and throat, a factor that can cause a hoarse voice.


  • 100 g of blackberry; 1 cup of water; Honey to taste.

Method of preparation

Wash the fruits well and beat them in a blender together with the water, until the juice forms. Then, take the juice to the fire, to heat it and, finally, sweeten it with honey to taste. Before going to bed, drink the warm juice without straining.

If hoarseness is not related to colds or inflammation in the throat, a medical consultation is recommended for a better evaluation.

Tips to recover faster

Some tips to recover faster and prevent voice problems are:

  • Sleep well; Maintain a good posture when speaking and singing; Eat well, chewing food well; Drink at least two liters of water daily; Speak effortlessly or without getting tired; Avoid drinking milk or dairy products, alcoholic or carbonated drinks, before speaking for a prolonged period; do not clear your throat, shout or laugh too much.

When taking this care, the chances of hoarseness are reduced and the individual guarantees a good voice throughout life.

Watch the following video and see how to exercise to treat hoarseness:

6 Best Home Remedies to End Hoarseness