Home Symptoms Flavored water: 6 simple recipes

Flavored water: 6 simple recipes


Flavored water is a great option for those who have difficulty drinking water during the day, but it can also be used by people who cannot leave soft drinks or industrialized juices, being a healthier option.

This type of water can also be known as flavored water and is usually made with fruits, such as coconut, lemon, strawberry or orange to add more flavor and benefits to the water. Unlike industrialized juices, these waters are low in calories, contain no added sugar and are refreshing, making them ideal for those on a weight loss diet.

Some simple recipes for home are:

1. Water with lemon and cucumber

This water helps to detoxify the body, decreases fluid retention and helps to cleanse the palate, which also ends up reducing the desire to eat sweet foods, favoring weight loss. In addition, this water is rich in minerals such as potassium and magnesium, in addition to antioxidants, which are present in cucumbers.


  • 1 lemon; 4 slices of cucumber; 1 liter of water.

Method of preparation

Cut the lemon into slices and put it in a jar with the water and slices of cucumber, and drink it during the day.

See also how to drink water with lemon to lose weight.

2. Coconut water

Coconut water is the ideal solution for the hottest days because, in addition to being very refreshing, it replenishes minerals that are lost through sweat during the day. It also has other benefits such as improving the quality of the skin and hair, as well as improving digestion, having antioxidant action, helping to regulate blood pressure, stimulating intestinal functioning and fighting cramps.

All these benefits are due to the presence of potassium, sodium, magnesium, vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus. The ideal is to drink about 3 glasses of coconut water a day. Learn more about the health benefits of coconut.

3. Hibiscus tea

Hibiscus tea is another very simple way to prepare flavored water. This plant helps in weight loss and increases fat burning, due to its rich composition in anthocyanins, phenolic compounds and flavonoids, being ideal for those who need to lose weight.


  • 2 tablespoons of hibiscus flowers; 1 liter of boiling water.

Method of preparation

To make hibiscus tea and maintain all the properties of the plant it is important to pour boiling water over the flowers and let it stand for 5 to 10 minutes. Then, strain and drink several times throughout the day. A good option for hot days is to put the tea in the refrigerator and drink ice cream.

Check out other benefits of hibiscus tea and how to take it.

4. Tamarind water

Tamarind is a fruit rich in malic acid and tartaric acid that help to stimulate the salivary glands. In addition, it is rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium, so it can help protect against heart disease and even osteoporosis. It is also an excellent option to help relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, anemia and improve cases of constipation.


  • 5 pods of tamarind, 1 liter of water.

Method of preparation

Put the water and the tamarind pods to a boil in 1 pan for 10 minutes. Then strain and let cool in the refrigerator.

5. Apple water with cinnamon

Cinnamon has several properties that help to improve digestive system problems, decrease appetite and improve the feeling of tiredness. In addition, when combined with lemon and apple, it produces a detoxifying effect on the body and accelerates metabolism, which helps with weight loss.


  • 1 cinnamon stick, 1 apple in slices, ½ lemon, 1 liter of boiling water.

Method of preparation

Put the water in a jar and add the cinnamon and the apple. Let stand for 10 minutes, put in the refrigerator to cool and drink throughout the day, adding the lemon before drinking.

6. Strawberry lemonade with mint

This drink is very refreshing and has several properties that help to improve health, due to the rich composition of strawberries in vitamin and minerals that help control blood pressure, relieve arthritis and treat constipation, in addition to having diuretic action and anticancer.

Mint is also stimulating and helps to treat some gastrointestinal problems, such as poor digestion or excessive gas, for example.


  • 10 mint leaves; 1 bowl of strawberries cut into pieces; 1 lemon; 1 liter of water.

Method of preparation

Add the mint leaves, strawberries and water in a jar and then squeeze the lemon inside. Mix well and place in the refrigerator.

Flavored water: 6 simple recipes