Home Bulls Causes and treatment options for back pimples

Causes and treatment options for back pimples


Pimples on the back are a common skin problem in young people, but they can also appear in adults with predisposition or during pregnancy or menstruation, as in these stages there are hormonal changes that can lead to the increase and accumulation of skin oil.

In addition, the appearance of pimples is also stimulated by the use of products that increase pore clogging, such as creams and oily cosmetics, for example, in addition to the excessive consumption of sweets, fried foods and carbonated drinks, as they also increase inflammation, and should avoided. Learn more about other major causes of pimples.

To treat pimples on the back, it is important to go to the dermatologist, who will evaluate the skin, and prescribe products, such as lotions based on benzoyl peroxide or acetylsalicylic acid, for example, and it is also important to have some attitudes at home how to do a light exfoliation twice a week, and drink about 2 liters of water a day.

Most used remedies

The treatment for acne on the back should be done, preferably, with the use of topical products, based on lotions or creams with substances that dry and prevent the pimples, guided by the dermatologist. Some options are:

  • Anti-acne soaps, based on benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or sulfur, for example, help to control and combat the appearance of pimples; Tonic skin cleansing lotions, used daily to reduce oiliness and prevent pimples; Creams and ointments with higher concentrations of benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, retinoic acid, adapalene or Isotretinoin, for example, treat most cases; Antibiotics for topical or compressed use, for more severe cases and resistant to the previous options, prescribed by the doctor; Isotretinoin, known as Roacutan, is prescribed by the dermatologist in cases of very inflamed and severe acne.

In addition to medications, there are also radio frequency techniques, phototherapy with special lights, laser and pulsed light, for example, that treat pimples. Find out more details about these and other treatment options for pimples.

Home treatment options

To treat pimples on your back you can:

  • Exfoliate your back twice a week with a vegetable sponge or exfoliating product. Check out a practical homemade exfoliating recipe; Drink at least 1.5L water to keep your skin hydrated; Avoid foods rich in sugar and fat, in addition to industrialized products, such as canned and sausages, carbonated or alcoholic drinks; Apply a moisturizer daily for acne free skins oil free ; Prefer oil free sunscreen when exposed to the sun; Avoid squeezing the pimples, as it can infect the skin and aggravate the problem.

Exposure to the sun helps to dry the skin and, therefore, decreases the amount of pimples, however, one should avoid overexposure and more intense light hours, between 10 am and 4 pm, as sweat production increases the oiliness of the skin, which can end up making the problem worse.

Watch this video with some more natural and healthy eating tips to help treat pimples:

Pimples on the back in pregnancy

Pimples during pregnancy can arise due to hormonal changes, as there is an increase in hormones such as progesterone, which increases the oiliness of the skin and covers the pores, facilitating the development of acne on the face, breasts or back.

When they appear, pimples are more frequent in the first few weeks, when the body feels hormonal changes. In these cases, it is advisable to consult with a dermatologist to make the most appropriate treatment, since the pregnant woman cannot take any type of medicine. Learn more about how to treat pimples in pregnancy.

Causes and treatment options for back pimples