Home Pregnancy Ankylosing spondylitis in pregnancy

Ankylosing spondylitis in pregnancy


A woman suffering from ankylosing spondylitis should have a normal pregnancy, but she is likely to suffer from back pain and have more difficulty moving around especially in the last trimester of pregnancy, due to the changes caused by the disease.

Although there are women who do not show the symptoms of the disease during pregnancy, this is not common and in case of pain it is important that it is treated properly through natural resources as the drugs can be harmful to the baby.

Treatment in pregnancy

Physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture, exercise and other natural techniques can and should be used in the treatment of spondylitis during pregnancy, to bring relief from symptoms, since this disease has no cure. Medicines should only be used as a last resort, as they can pass through the placenta and reach the baby, harming him.

During pregnancy it will be very important for the woman to maintain a good posture throughout the day and all night to avoid worsening joint involvement. Wearing comfortable clothes and shoes can help achieve this goal.

Some women diagnosed early with this disease may have a very compromised hip and sacroiliac joint, preventing normal delivery, and should opt for cesarean section, but this is a rare situation.

Does spondylitis affect the baby?

Because it has a hereditary character, it is possible that the baby has the same disease. To clarify this doubt, genetic counseling can be performed with the HLA - B27 test, which indicates whether the individual has the disease or not, although the negative result does not exclude this possibility.

Ankylosing spondylitis in pregnancy