Home Symptoms The best detox foods to boost metabolism

The best detox foods to boost metabolism


Foods that accelerate metabolism and detoxify the body are mainly those rich in caffeine, such as coffee and green tea, or spices such as cinnamon and pepper, as they are rich in substances that accelerate metabolism, such as catechins and capsaicins.

Thus, when used in conjunction with a healthy diet and frequent physical activity, they help to increase weight loss and improve the functioning of the body.

1. Red pepper

Red pepper is rich in capsaicin, a substance with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which helps to relieve pain, prevent cancer and speed up metabolism.

You should consume about 3 g of pepper a day, and the hotter it is, the higher its capsaicin content, but its excessive consumption can cause burning in the mouth and stomach.

2. Green tea

Green tea is rich in flavonoids and caffeine, substances that increase metabolism and promote fat burning. In addition, it has a diuretic effect, which helps to eliminate fluid retention.

To obtain its effects, one should consume 4 to 5 cups a day, avoiding its consumption with the main meals, so that it does not disturb the absorption of minerals from the diet, such as iron, zinc and calcium. See all the benefits of green tea.

3. Cinnamon

In addition to having thermogenic action, cinnamon has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant action, improves digestion and helps control diabetes and high cholesterol.

This spice can be consumed in the form of tea or you can add 1 teaspoon in fruit salads, juices, vitamins and in milk.

4. Ginger

Because it contains the 6-gingerol and 8-gingerol compounds, ginger increases the production of heat and sweat, which helps with weight loss and the prevention of weight gain.

In addition, it improves digestion and fights intestinal gases, and can be consumed in the form of tea or added in juices, vitamins and salads. See recipes with ginger to lose weight.

5. Guarana

Guarana helps to increase metabolism because it contains caffeine, and to lose weight it should be consumed preferably with juices or teas that also help with weight loss, such as ginger tea and green juices. See all the benefits of guarana powder.

The recommended amount is 1 to 2 teaspoons of guarana powder a day, avoiding the ones I consume during the night, to avoid insomnia problems.

6. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps with weight loss because it improves digestion, increases satiety, fights fluid retention and is rich in antioxidants that improve the body's functioning.

To aid in the diet, you should consume 1 to 2 teaspoons of vinegar diluted in a glass of water a day, or use it as a seasoning for meat and salads.

7. Coffee

Because it is rich in caffeine, coffee speeds up the metabolism and can be consumed throughout the day for breakfast or snacks.

The recommended amount is up to 5 cups of 150 ml per day, remembering to avoid its consumption in cases of gastritis, high blood pressure or insomnia.

It is also important to remember that the ideal is for these foods to be prescribed by a nutritionist, as their excessive consumption can cause problems such as insomnia and high blood pressure. See what are the Contraindications of Thermogenic Foods.

What is metabolism

Metabolism corresponds to the set of biochemical processes that take place in the body that control the synthesis and degradation of substances in the body and thus allow vital functions, such as breathing, regulation of body temperature and generation of energy, for example.

Metabolism is regulated by several enzymes and can be classified into two phases:

  • Anabolism, which corresponds to biochemical reactions of synthesis, that is, it allows the production of more complex molecules, such as proteins, for example, from simpler molecules, such as amino acids; Catabolism, which corresponds to biochemical reactions of degradation, that is, it allows the production of simpler molecules from more complex ones, such as water and energy (ATP) from glucose.

For the organism to be in homeostasis, anabolism and catabolism must also be in balance. When anabolism is more present than catabolism, there is muscle gain, for example. When the opposite occurs, the organism loses mass, this situation being more characteristic during periods of fasting.

Basal metabolism corresponds to the person's metabolism during the fasting period, that is, the amount of calories that the body of a person who is fasting can consume in 24 hours without damage to the body. Usually it is from the assessment of basal metabolism, habits and goals of the person that the nutritionist is able to prescribe the most appropriate diet for each case.

The best detox foods to boost metabolism