Home Symptoms 7 Foods That Increase Gout And You Didn't Know

7 Foods That Increase Gout And You Didn't Know


Those who have gout know that to prevent attacks they should avoid meat, chicken, fish, seafood and alcoholic beverages, as these foods increase the production of uric acid, a substance that accumulates in the joints and causes the pain and swelling typical of the disease.

However, the list of foods that should be avoided is longer, and it is important to be careful not to consume preparations that contain ingredients that increase gout.

So here are 7 examples of foods to avoid:

1. Sushi

Most sushi pieces are made with fish and seafood like salmon, tuna and shrimp, and should be avoided. Thus, for those who cannot resist sushi, preference should be given to pieces made only with fruit or Kani-Kama, remembering not to overdo the soy sauce due to excess salt.

2. Restaurant food

In general, restaurant preparations and sauces are made with diced meat broths to increase flavor and make food more attractive to the customer. However, natural or diced meat broths are rich in purines, favoring an increase in uric acid in the body.

So, always prefer to eat at home, because in addition to being cheaper, homemade food also brings less fat and additives than meals in restaurants.

3. Pizza

Gout sufferers should avoid eating pizza especially outside the home, as most flavors contain prohibited foods such as ham, sausage, chicken and meat.

In these cases, to kill the desire for pizza the best choice is to prepare everything at home, with fillings based on cheese and vegetables. To make it easier, ready-made pasta and industrialized tomato sauce can also be used.

4. Spaghetti carbonara

Despite being a delight, spaghetti carbonara brings bacon as an ingredient, a food that increases uric acid. So, in order not to miss this delicious treat, vegetarian bacon, smoked tofu or vegetarian carpaccio can be used.

5. Pamonha

Because it is rich in corn, the mush is also contraindicated in the diet of patients with gout, especially during crises. However, it can be consumed sporadically in periods when uric acid is well controlled, and the same tip applies to dishes like hominy and mugunzá.

6. Liver pate

The liver pate, widely used for bread or toast, is very rich in purines, and therefore favors the accumulation of uric acid in the joints. The same goes for other animal viscera like gizzard, heart and kidneys.

7. Oatmeal porridge

Although healthy, oatmeal cannot be consumed frequently because this cereal contains moderate amounts of purines, and should be avoided mainly during crises.

Alcoholic beverages are especially contraindicated because they contain purines that lead to the accumulation of uric acid in the blood and consequently in the joints. Although beer is more harmful, wine and other drinks should also not be consumed, especially in times of gout crisis.

To find out what to eat and what the high uric acid diet should be like, watch the following video:

Learn about the high uric acid diet.

7 Foods That Increase Gout And You Didn't Know