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7 Common Questions About Chicken Pox


Chickenpox, also called chickenpox, is a highly contagious disease caused by the varicella zoster virus that manifests itself through the appearance of red blisters or spots on the body and intense itching. The treatment is done in order to control the symptoms, with remedies like Paracetamol and antiseptic lotion to dry the wounds faster.

Here are some common questions about chicken pox.

1. Chickenpox in adults is very serious?

Chickenpox especially affects children, but it can affect individuals of all ages, in which case it is more severe. In addition to typical chickenpox wounds, which appear in greater numbers in adults, other symptoms such as sore throat and earache may also be present. However the treatment is done in the same way, in order to control the symptoms. Learn more details of chicken pox in adults.

2. How many days does chicken pox last?

Chicken pox lasts 7 to 10 days, being contagious mainly in the first days, and is no longer contagious when the blisters start to dry, because the virus is found in the liquid present inside the blisters. See all the care you must take to not pass the chicken pox to others and not to be contaminated.

3. Is it possible to catch chicken pox more than 1 time?

This is a very rare situation, but it can happen. The most common is that the person had a very mild version the first time or that in fact, it was another disease, which may have been mistaken for chicken pox. So when a person is actually infected with the chicken pox virus a 2nd time, he develops herpes zoster. Learn all about herpes zoster.

4. When can chickenpox be very severe and leave sequelae?

Chickenpox can rarely be severe, having a benign course, which means that in more than 90% of cases it leaves no sequelae, and heals alone in less than 12 days. However, chicken pox can be more serious and cause complications in people with weakened immune systems, as it can happen in case of cancer treatment, for example. In this case, the body has a harder time fighting the chicken pox virus and it causes diseases such as pneumonia or pericarditis, for example. Know all the sequelae and complications that chicken pox can leave.

5. Does chicken pox get in the air?

No, chicken pox is transmitted from one person to another through contact with the liquid present inside the blisters. Thus it is not possible to catch chicken pox by air, since the virus is not present in the air.

6. How to remove chicken pox stains?

The best time to remove the dark spots left by chicken pox is right after it appears and you have controlled the disease. Whitening and healing creams can be used, but it is important not to be exposed to the sun for at least 6 months after having had chicken pox. When the spots have been on the skin for more than 6 months, it may be more difficult to remove these spots, it is recommended to follow aesthetic treatments such as laser or pulsed light, for example. Check out more tips on how to get chicken pox spots off your skin.

7. What is the best age to have chickenpox?

Having chicken pox in childhood is simpler than in adulthood, but babies under 1 year of age should be protected because they do not yet have very developed immunity. Until 6 months, the baby is believed to be stronger against the virus because he received antibodies from the mother during pregnancy, but this immunity does not completely prevent him from being infected. Thus, it can be said that between 1 and 18 years would be the best phase of having chicken pox.

7 Common Questions About Chicken Pox