Home Bulls 7 Main indications of intense pulsed light

7 Main indications of intense pulsed light


Intense Pulsed Light is a type of treatment similar to laser, which can be used to remove spots on the skin, fight wrinkles and expression lines and remove unwanted hair throughout the body, especially the face, chest, abdomen, arms, armpits, groins and legs.

Treatment with Intense Pulsed Light is safe and several scientific studies have shown that even months after treatment sessions there is no increase in the defense cells CD4 and CD8 that are related to the presence of cancerous diseases and tumors.

Some of the Pulsed Light indications are:

1. Prolonged hair removal

Intense pulsed light (LIP) can be used to remove unwanted hair from the entire body, but it should not be applied in some regions such as around the nipples and around the anus because the skin color in these regions is very variable and can spots or burns on the skin may occur. However, it can be applied to the face, armpits, belly, back, groin, arms and legs.

Hair can be removed completely, but better results are seen in people who have light skin and very dark hair. This is because the darker the hair, the greater the amount of melanin it has and how the laser is attracted to the melanin, when the hair is very dark, the incidence of light goes directly to it, weakening the follicle, thus eliminating the greater part of the body hair. About 10 sessions are recommended, with an interval of 1 month between them, which is the time necessary for the hair to be in the anagen phase, which is when the IPL has the most effect.

Unlike the permanent hair removal that is done with the laser, the Intense Pulsed Light cannot completely remove the hair, and therefore it cannot be considered a permanent hair removal, but it can also eliminate a good part of the hair, and those that are born after the end of treatment are thinner and clearer, becoming very discreet and easier to remove with tweezers, for example.

2. Removal of skin blemishes

This technique is also indicated to remove dark spots on the skin, even in case of melasma, but it can also be indicated in case of solar lentigo and melanocytic nevus. Treatment with pulsed light brightens the skin, increases the amount of collagen and elastin fibers by 50%, leaving the skin firmer and less flabby, in addition to increasing the presence of small vessels in the skin, which improve local blood oxygenation, giving a uniform tone and a more youthful and beautiful skin.

Treatment sessions should take place about 3-4 weeks apart and during treatment, it is recommended to use SPF sunscreen above 30 on the face daily and to avoid direct sun exposure. After the first sessions, dark spots may appear in the treated area, and these spots are called transient post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, but when taking daily skin care and using soothing lotion after treatment, they tend to disappear. Using bleaching lotion for 1 month before starting treatment can decrease the risk of blemishes after treatment.

Watch the following video and see other treatments that can be used to remove skin blemishes:

3. Eliminates wrinkles and expression lines

Expression lines can be completely removed and wrinkles can be reduced with the use of the Intense Pulsed Light device, because this treatment promotes an increase in the amount of collagen fibers and a better organization of the elastin fibers that support the skin, and which normally has its production decreased, with age, from the age of 30.

The increase in these cells is progressive, so after each treatment session, the cells continue to be produced naturally by the body for about 3 months, so the results are not immediate, but are maintained for long periods. So, a good strategy is to do 5 sessions each year to completely eliminate wrinkles and fine lines. The interval between sessions should be 1 month.

You should use sunscreen above SPF 30 strictly for 7-10 days before and after treatment with LIP. As a complement to the anti-aging treatment, you can also use a serum with 10-30% alpha-hydroxy acid associated with 4% hydroquinone.

4. Combat rosacea and telangiectasis

The reddish skin and the presence of small blood vessels under the skin that mainly affects the nose and cheeks, may indicate a skin problem called rosacea, and these small vessels in the nose indicate Telangiectasia, and both can be resolved with a treatment. with Pulsed Intense Light, because the light and energy emitted by the device promote a better reorganization of cells and distribution of small blood vessels.

3-4 sessions are necessary, with an interval of 1 month between them, and a 50% reduction is usually observed already in the second treatment session. There are no adverse effects of this treatment, the skin is only pink in the treated area in the first hours, but there are no scars or spots on the spot.

5. Acne treatment

Intense Pulsed Light treatment also eliminates acne when the equipment's green or red lights are used. While green light eliminates the bacteria that is related to acne, which is Propionibacterium acnes , red light fights inflammation, which is important for the complete destruction of this bacteria. 3-6 treatment sessions are required and many people report that there is an 80% improvement after the third session.

However, pulsed light cannot be used when the person is taking medications such as Roacutan (Isotretinoin), corticosteroids, acetylsalicylic acid, non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs, photosensitizers or when the skin is tanned. Learn about other treatment options.

6. Eliminates stretch marks

Intense Pulsed Light is also a good treatment for recent stretch marks that are reddish because it stimulates fibroblasts to produce collagen fibers and reorganize them in the stroma. With this technique, a reduction in the amount of stretch marks is observed, as well as a decrease in its width and length. However, better results are obtained when, after the session, complementary means are used, such as acids such as tretinoin or glycolic acid, for example.

See other ways to eliminate stretch marks.

7. Removes dark circles

Intense Pulsed Light also has excellent results in the elimination of dark circles, achieving excellent results when the dark circles are caused by vascular congestion, whereas in dark circles of hereditary origin the results may not have great significance. At least 3 sessions with a 1-month interval are required to achieve the results.

After the session, it is normal for the treated skin to be a little red in the first hours, and may remain for up to 3 days, and there may be formation of small scabs that should not be removed with the nails.

In addition to these 7 most common indications, IPL is also indicated in several other situations, for example, for the removal of burn scars, decreased keloid size and thickness, lupus pernio, lichen planus, psoriasis and hair removal in the sacroiliac region due to the pilonidal cyst, among others. Treatment with Intense Pulsed Light must be carried out with a duly trained professional such as the dermatologist or physiotherapist specialized in functional dermato because it has many details that can compromise the results of the treatment.

7 Main indications of intense pulsed light