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Neck pain: what it can be and what to do


Neck pain is a common problem that is usually related to muscle tension caused by situations such as excessive stress, sleeping in a strange position or using the computer for a long time, for example.

However, neck pain can also have more serious causes, such as spinal diseases, herniated discs or infections, such as tonsillitis, osteomyelitis or meningitis.

Thus, when the neck pain lasts more than 1 week or does not improve with the application of warm compresses and the intake of painkillers, such as Paracetamol, it is recommended to consult an orthopedist to start the appropriate treatment.

1. Muscle tension

Having an incorrect posture for long periods of time, such as when reading, or at the computer, or even sleeping in the wrong position, can cause muscle tension. In addition, muscle tension can also be caused by bruxism, which consists of grinding your teeth during sleep, causing a feeling of heaviness from the neck to the ear.

What to do: it can be relieved by placing hot compresses over the region, with analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs, adopting more appropriate body postures, through exercises to strengthen the neck muscles and rest. In cases of bruxism, it can be treated with the use of a specific denture, recommended by the dentist. Learn more about bruxism and its causes.

2. Torticollis

Normally, torticollis happens during the night, and the person wakes up with difficulty to move the neck, but it can also happen when turning the neck to look to the side very quickly, which can cause a muscle spasm. In the stiff neck it is easy to identify the location of the pain and only one side is affected.

What to do: Putting a hot compress on for 15 to 20 minutes can help relieve pain, but there are other techniques that eliminate torticollis within minutes. Watch the video:

3. Arthrosis

Spinal arthrosis, also known as spinal osteoarthritis or spondyloarthrosis, consists of wearing out the cartilage of the spine joints, causing symptoms such as pain and difficulty in moving the back.

What to do: Arthritis has no cure, but it can be treated with medications such as pain relievers, such as Paracetamol, opioids, such as Tramadol, anti-inflammatories, such as Ketoprofen or Ibuprofen in pills or ointments or even Glucosamine Sulfate or Chondroitin, which are food supplements that help to regenerate cartilage. Learn more about how to treat osteoarthritis.

4. Cervical disc herniation

Herniated cervical disc consists of displacement of part of the intervertebral disc, which is the region between the two vertebrae, most often caused by spinal wear and poor posture. Learn more about cervical disc herniation.

One of the main symptoms of cervical disc herniation is pain in the neck, which can spread to the shoulders, arms and hands, and cause a tingling and numbness sensation. In addition, in more severe cases there may also be decreased muscle strength and difficulty in moving the neck.

What to do: the symptoms can be relieved by placing hot compresses over the sore area by massaging the neck muscles to relax and the treatment can be done with medicines such as pain relievers, such as paracetamol and with relaxants muscle, such as cyclobenzaprine. It is also important to correct the posture to try to reduce the compression of the nerve roots and to stretch to improve neck movements. Learn more about treatments for cervical disc herniation.

5. After an accident

Blows to the neck can happen due to, for example, an accident, when the soft tissues of the neck are stretched, in which the head is pushed back and then forward.

What to do: The doctor may prescribe strong painkillers as well as muscle relaxants to relieve pain, but you may also need to resort to physical therapy.

6. Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that causes symptoms such as joint pain and has no cure. However, when treatments are done correctly, they can help improve the quality of life, reducing symptoms and preventing the disease from getting worse.

What to do: You can choose to have a natural treatment, with the use of plants such as mackerel or eggplant with lemon, or with anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or celecoxib, corticosteroids such as prednisolone or immunosuppressants such as methotrexate or leflunomide. Physiotherapy treatment is a great way to decrease pain, inflammation and improve the quality of movement in the affected joint. See more about treatment for rheumatoid atritis.

7. Meningitis

Meningitis is a severe inflammation of the meninges, which are the membranes that line the brain and spinal cord. Generally, this disease is caused by viruses or bacteria, and can arise after a badly cured flu, for example, but in some cases it can also be caused by heavy blows or fungi, especially when the immune system is weakened. One of the most common symptoms in meningitis is stiff neck with severe pain and difficulty in resting the chin on the chest. See more about what meningitis is and how to protect yourself.

What to do: the treatment of meningitis depends on its cause, and can be treated with antibiotics, anti-viral drugs or corticosteroids in a hospital setting.

8. Cancer

The appearance of a lump in the neck, in more severe cases, may indicate the presence of cancer and in these cases the lump is accompanied by other symptoms such as pain in the neck, hoarseness, difficulty in swallowing, feeling of a ball in the throat, frequent choking, loss weight and general malaise.

What to do: in the presence of these symptoms you should go to the doctor as soon as possible, so that he can confirm the diagnosis, through exams such as ultrasound and indicate the best treatment. Learn more about what can be a lump on the neck.

Neck pain: what it can be and what to do