Home Medicinal Plants Agonized tea: learn how to make

Agonized tea: learn how to make


The agonized, also known as agony, arapuê or jasmine-mango, is a medicinal plant widely used to relieve menstrual cramps and regulate the menstrual cycle, but it can also be used to treat respiratory problems, such as asthma and bronchitis, for example, due to its anti-asthmatic properties.

This plant can be found in health food stores and costs an average of R $ 20.00. Usually, agonized flowers are used to make tea to relieve menstrual cramps.

The use of agonized is not recommended for pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding and its consumption should be monitored by a doctor or herbalist due to the health risks when consumed in excess.

What is it for

The agonized has laxative, febrifugal, antidepressant, anti-asthmatic, antispasmodic, analgesic, diuretic and soothing properties, and can be used for several purposes. However, this plant is more used to stimulate and regulate the menstrual cycle, as it is able to stimulate the activity of the gonads and, consequently, the production of hormones, regulating the menstrual cycle and relieving the common pain and discomfort of PMS.

Thus, the agonized can be used to:

  • Regulate the menstrual cycle; Assist the treatment of amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea; Relieve PMS symptoms; Decrease menstrual cramps; Assist in the treatment of inflammation in the uterus and vaginal discharge.

In addition, this plant can be used to assist in the treatment of asthma, skin diseases, bronchitis, gases and worms, for example.

Agonized tea

The agonized tea for menstrual cramps can be made with both the bark and the flowers, this part being the most used.


  • 10 g of agonized flowers; 1 liter of water.

Method of preparation

To make the tea, just place the flowers in the water and let it boil for about 10 minutes. Then strain and drink 4 times a day without sweetening.

Contraindications for agonized

This plant is not recommended for children, pregnant or lactating women. In addition, it is important that the consumption of this plant is monitored by a doctor or herbalist, as overuse can have some consequences, such as diarrhea, increased menstrual flow, sterility, abortion and even death.

Agonized tea: learn how to make