Home Bulls Afatinib (giotrif)

Afatinib (giotrif)


Afatinib is a substance capable of blocking the action of a set of proteins, known as the ErbB family, which help tumor cells to multiply. Thus, using this substance, it is possible to reduce the growth rate of non-small cell lung cancer.

This substance can be purchased in conventional pharmacies with a prescription, under the trade name Giotrif, in 20, 30, 40 or 50 mg tablets.


The price of this medicine can vary between 4, 500 and 6, 000 reais, depending on the dosage of the pills.

What is it for

Afatinib is indicated for the treatment of locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer, without previous exposure to epidermal growth receptor TKI or with scaly histology that worsened during or after chemotherapy.

How to take

The recommended dose is 40 mg a day, taken on an empty stomach and 1 hour before eating breakfast.

However, the dose needs to be adequate according to the severity of the disease and the response to the medication, and the physician's guidance is very important.

Main side effects

The use of this medication can cause some side effects such as decreased appetite, dehydration, urinary tract infection, bleeding from the nose, runny nose, eye infection, dry eyes, skin hives, fever, weight loss and dry skin.

Who should not take

Afatinib is contraindicated for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and people with allergies to afatinib or any other component of the formula. In addition, in patients with heart, liver or lung problems it should only be used with the guidance of a doctor.

Afatinib (giotrif)