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Is psoriasis curable?


Psoriasis is a chronic disease, which means it has no cure yet, but it can be controlled with the drugs prescribed by the doctor.

Psoriasis is a genetic disease, characterized by red, scaly plaques on the skin, and one of its most common symptoms is itching in the affected area. The appearance of the blemishes can become unpleasant, due to the exaggerated size and the development of whitish plaques that make the skin 'thicker', most often affecting the elbows, scalp and knees.

Psoriasis is not a contagious disease and tends to worsen when the individual is in a state of emotional imbalance as in the case of stress, overwork, sadness, among others. Its diagnosis is made through clinical observation, and can be confirmed through a biopsy of the affected tissue.

How to control psoriasis to live better

1. Using the right remedies

The best way to live with psoriasis is to follow the treatment indicated by the doctor, which is usually done with the use of ointments that must be applied directly under the lesions, every day. The lotions and creams are usually based on tar and coal, which reduce skin irritation, and the medications to ingest are corticosteroids, which fight inflammation in a more prolonged and effective way. Check out what can be the remedies for psoriasis.

Other drugs can aggravate psoriasis lesions, such as lithium-based, withdrawal of systemic corticosteroids, beta blockers, antimalarials and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and therefore any and all medications should only be used under medical advice.

2. Treating fish

When psoriasis affects areas of the hands or feet, an alternative treatment can be done with the clawfish, which feed on dry skin and dead cells. This type of treatment can be found in clinics and beauty treatment centers in large cities and has a great effect on psoriasis plaques.

3. Taking care of emotions

Controlling emotions, and avoiding stress and anxiety is also important to avoid worsening psoriasis, so it is important to seek advice, exercise regularly because it releases endorphins into the bloodstream and promotes well-being. Practices such as meditation and Yoga can also be recommended.

4. Eat healthy

Healthy eating is also important for maintaining the ideal weight, because this way the levels of body inflammation decrease. Alcoholic beverages should be consumed moderately, avoiding excess fat and sugar.

5. Expose yourself to the sun

Daily sun exposure helps to control psoriasis attacks, so it is advisable for the person to expose themselves to the sun, for about 20 minutes, every day, in the early morning or late afternoon, when temperatures are over mild. During this period of sunbathing, sunscreen should not be used, in order not to block the sun's action.

6. Don't smoke

Avoiding smoking is also indicated to prevent a new crisis of psoriasis because smokers have been shown to have a higher risk of developing chronic plaque psoriasis.

7. Don't attack the skin

The areas of psoriasis lesions are sensitive and should not be subjected to a strong exfoliation, because the body can react and aggravate the situation. Skinning can be very smooth, with specific products without rubbing the skin too much. Tattooing should also be avoided because it can trigger a new psoriasis spot, and even treatments to remove a tattoo.

Is psoriasis curable?