Home Bulls What are the consequences for the baby, son of a diabetic mother?

What are the consequences for the baby, son of a diabetic mother?


The consequences for the baby, the child of a diabetic mother when diabetes is not controlled, are mainly malformations in the central nervous system, cardiovascular, urinary tract and skeleton. Other consequences for the baby who has an uncontrolled diabetic mother may be:

  • Being born before 37 weeks of gestation, neonatal jaundice, which indicates a problem in the functioning of the liver, being born very large (+ 4 kg), therefore having a higher probability of injury to the shoulder at birth by natural childbirth, breathing difficulties and asphyxia; Develop diabetes and obesity in childhood or adolescence; Sudden intrauterine fetal death;

In addition, hypoglycemia may also occur soon after birth, requiring admission to the Neonatal ICU for at least 6 to 12 hours. Despite being serious, all these changes can be avoided when the pregnant woman does the proper prenatal care and keeps her blood glucose under control throughout the pregnancy.

How to reduce the risks for the baby

To avoid all these complications, a diabetic woman who wants to become pregnant should consult at least 3 months before attempting to conceive, so that her blood sugar levels are controlled. In addition, it is essential to adjust the diet and exercise regularly to keep blood glucose under control because the chances of the baby suffering from some of these consequences are minimal.

See how to control diabetes at:

What are the consequences for the baby, son of a diabetic mother?