Home Symptoms Allergy to wheat

Allergy to wheat


In wheat allergy, when the organism comes in contact with wheat, it triggers an exaggerated immune response as if wheat were an aggressive agent. To confirm food allergy to wheat, a blood test or skin test is performed.

Allergy to wheat, in general, starts in a baby and has no cure and wheat should be excluded from food for life. However, the immune system is dynamic and over time it can adapt and rebalance and, therefore, it is important to follow up with an allergist.

Diet for wheat allergy

In the wheat allergy diet, it is necessary to eliminate all foods containing wheat or wheat flour from the diet, but it is not necessary to exclude gluten, and therefore cereals such as oats, rye, barley or buckwheat can be used. Other alternative foods that can be consumed are amaranth, rice, chickpeas, lentils, corn, millet, spelled, quinoa or tapioca.

Foods that should be excluded from the diet are wheat-based foods such as:

  • Cookies, Cookies, Cakes, Cereals, Pasta, Bread.

It is also important to avoid foods that are labeled with ingredients such as: starch, modified food starch, gelatinized starch, modified starch, vegetable starch, vegetable gum or vegetable protein hydrolyzate.

Treatment for wheat allergy

The treatment for wheat allergy consists of eliminating all foods rich in wheat from the patient's diet but it may also be necessary to take antihistamines, to decrease the symptoms if you accidentally eat any food with wheat.

However, it may still be necessary in severe cases, to apply an injection of adrenaline, so if symptoms such as shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing appear, you should go immediately to the emergency room to prevent anaphylactic shock from occurring.

Symptoms of wheat allergy

Symptoms of wheat allergy can be:

  • Asthma, Nausea, Vomiting, Stains and inflammations on the skin.

These symptoms appear, in those who are allergic to wheat, usually 2 hours after eating foods with wheat and can be very intense if the amount of food consumed is large.

See also: Difference between allergy and food intolerance.

Allergy to wheat