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What to eat after a kidney transplant


In feeding after kidney transplantation it is important to avoid raw foods, such as vegetables, undercooked or eggnog meat, for example, and foods rich in salt and sugar to prevent rejection of the transplanted kidney.

Thus, the diet must be guided by a nutritionist and normally, it must be maintained strictly until the blood test values ​​are stable.

After kidney transplantation, the patient needs to take steroid drugs, such as prednisolone, azathioprine and cyclosporine, for example, to prevent rejection of the new healthy kidney. These remedies cause side effects such as increased sugar and cholesterol in the blood, increased appetite and increased pressure, in addition to leading to loss of muscle mass, it is essential to make an adequate diet to prevent these complications. Read more at: Kidney transplantation.

Diet for kidney transplantation

The patient who has had a kidney transplant should eat a balanced diet that helps control weight, as its control will help the patient not to develop complications such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and hypertension.

What to eat after kidney transplant

After kidney transplantation, care must be taken to reduce the risk of developing an infection or even to reject the kidney, and eat:

  • Fiber-rich foods, such as cereals and seeds, every day; Increase the amount of food with calcium and phosphorus such as milk, almonds and salmon, in some cases take a supplement indicated by the nutritionist, to keep bones and teeth firm and strong; Eat a diet low in sugars, like sweets because they lead to a rapid increase in blood sugar, and you should choose carbohydrates, found in rice, corn, bread, pasta and potatoes. See more at: Foods high in sugar.

The patient must try to maintain a balanced and varied diet to maintain a good functioning of the organism.

What to avoid after kidney transplantation

To maintain a good functioning of the transplanted kidney, avoid:

  • Fatty foods that lead to increased cholesterol and may cause arteries to clog and may cause a heart attack or stroke in the brain; Alcoholic beverages, as they impair the functioning of the liver; Do not consume sodium, which is found in table salt and canned and frozen foods, helping to control fluid retention, bloating and high blood pressure. Find tips to reduce your consumption at: How to reduce salt consumption. Limit the amount of potassium found in bananas and oranges, as the medication increases potassium. See potassium-rich foods at: Potassium-rich foods. Do not eat raw vegetables, choosing to cook, always washing with 20 drops of sodium hypochlorite in two liters of water, allowing to stand for 10 minutes; Do not eat seafood, eggnog and sausages; Store food in the refrigerator only for a period of 24 hours, avoiding eating frozen food; Wash the fruit very well and choose boiled and roasted fruit; Do not restrict the amount of liquids, such as water and juices, if there is no contraindication.

Some patients did not have a kidney transplant, however, they undergo hemodialysis, and must maintain hygiene care, however they must follow a diet with a restricted amount of fluids, protein and salt control. See more at: Feeding for hemodialysis.

What to eat after a kidney transplant