Home Symptoms Elderly feeding

Elderly feeding


Varying the diet according to age is essential to keep the body strong and healthy, so the elderly's diet must have:

  • Vegetables, fruits and whole grains: they are a good source of fiber, useful for constipation, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Milk and its derivatives: they have calcium and vitamin D, which strengthen bones and joints, as well as proteins, potassium and vitamin B12. Meats: preferably lean, are good sources of protein and iron, as are eggs. Bread: enriched with fiber, cereals, avoiding white bread, being able to accompany meals as well as rice and beans. Legumes: like beans and lentils, have a high fiber content without cholesterol and are rich in proteins. Water: 6 to 8 glasses a day, whether in the form of soup, juice or teas. One should drink even without feeling thirsty.

Other valuable tips are: do not eat alone, eat every 3 hours and add different spices to the food to vary the taste. Throughout life many changes take place in the body and they must be accompanied by correct eating habits to avoid diseases.

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Elderly feeding