Home Symptoms Ideal food for those who sleep little

Ideal food for those who sleep little


The ideal diet for those who sleep little should be composed of foods with properties that help them fall asleep and relax, such as cherry or lemon balm tea.

In addition, very sweet, spicy and spicy foods and even green tea, coffee and mate tea should be avoided, especially in the second half of the day, as they excite the nervous system and can impair sleep.

Learn more about foods that fight and cause insomnia at: Foods for insomnia.

Food to help you sleep

Those who sleep little can adapt their own diet using the list below as a suggestion:

  • At breakfast - coffee, green tea, black tea or guarana. At lunch - 1 square of semi-bitter chocolate after the meal. At snack - banana with cinnamon or lemongrass tea sweetened with honey. At dinner - eat as dessert passion fruit or avocado, avoiding sweets. Before you sleep - cherry juice. Taking chamomile, lemon balm or passionflower tea during the day instead of water is a good alternative to relax your mind and sleep better at night.

These are simple tips for feeding those who sleep little, which can happen for a period when there is, for example, more work, however, it is important to seek medical help when the difficulty in falling asleep or maintaining sleep remains for more than 4 weeks, because to guarantee physical and mental health it is recommended to sleep between 7 and 9 hours a night.

To learn more about how to sleep well see: 10 tips to sleep well.

Who sleeps little gets fat?

Sleeping poorly can put on weight because it causes hormonal dysregulation, leading to irritability and increased anxiety, which helps the individual to seek a form of emotional compensation and comfort in food, for example.

In addition, it is more difficult to commit to a weight loss diet when you are not sleeping well or if you are very tired, because it is more difficult to resist favorite foods that should not be in the diet, such as chocolate, ice cream, sweets or fried foods.

To learn more about insomnia food watch this video:

Ideal food for those who sleep little