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Food to prevent bleeding from intestinal polyps


Feeding for intestinal polyps serves to decrease the appearance of new intestinal polyps, which are small benign tumors that appear in the intestine and can cause bleeding after bowel movements.

Thus, the diet should be low in saturated fats that are mainly in fried foods and rich in fibers that are present in vegetables, fruits and cereals.

Food for those with intestinal polyps helps prevent the appearance of these small benign tumors, but the definitive treatment for intestinal polyps consists of removing them, usually during colonoscopy, to prevent the development of cancer.

What to eat for intestinal polyps

What not to eat for intestinal polyps

What to eat for intestinal polyps

In the case of intestinal polyps it is important to consume foods such as vegetables, legumes, fruits, legumes and whole grains because they are rich in fiber and will help to reduce the appearance of new intestinal polyps. These foods can be:

  • Pods, lettuce, cabbage, arugula, chard, watercress, celery, endive, spinach, turnip, pumpkin, carrot and beet; All Bran cereals, seed bread, wheat germ, oats, granola, whole grain bread, cereal bar, crackers with fibers; Strawberries, pear in shell, papaya, plum, orange, pineapple, peach, raisin, fig and apricot; Nuts; Lentils, beans, fava beans and chickpeas.

Foods rich in fiber make the intestine healthier by helping to regulate the intestine and increase the volume of stool, but to facilitate its expulsion, water consumption is essential, so you should drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water per day.

What not to eat for intestinal polyps

In case of polyps in the intestines, foods rich in saturated fats, such as fried foods, cakes and snacks should not be eaten. In addition, it is also important to avoid refined and processed foods, such as white bread and products made with refined flour.

Menu for intestinal polyps

This menu for intestinal polyps is just one example of how to eat a diet rich in fiber.

  • Breakfast - granola with natural yogurt and a piece of unpeeled fruit, such as pearColação - half cereal bread with Minas cheese and an orange juiceLunch - grilled chicken leg with rice and a salad with various vegetables seasoned with olive oil. For dessert, a piece of fruit Snack - papaya smoothie with flax seeds and 2 wholemeal toast Dinner - cooked hake with potatoes and boiled vegetables seasoned with olive oil and, as dessert, a piece of fruit.

Generally, intestinal polyps are not a sign of concern for something more serious, but bleeding and possible evolution should be monitored and treated with a gastroenterologist.

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Food to prevent bleeding from intestinal polyps