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Food for the entrance exam


The entrance exam is intended to help the candidate to have more mental energy and concentration when studying, however, it should also help the student to relax and rest well when necessary, so that the brain remains receptive to more information.

Food for the entrance exam day

The food for the entrance exam has to start with a good breakfast. A good example of what to eat on the day of the race may be a bowl of soy milk, almond or rice with granola, or cereal with fruit and yogurt. The student who gets more nervous can choose something simpler, like a vitamin with dried fruits.

During the test, the student will be able to eat a cereal bar, dark chocolate or dried fruit. It is also important to always have fluids available to stay hydrated. Green tea, for example, is a good option, because in addition to moisturizing it also helps the entrance exam to have more attention. However, during the test, it is important to avoid excessive consumption of coffee, mate tea and natural guarana or other caffeinated drinks, as caffeine helps to be more alert, but in excess it can cause agitation, headache and increase anxiety.

Watch this video and know what you should eat to pass the entrance exam:

Food before the entrance exam

When feeding before the entrance exam, it is important to adapt the diet for a better performance in the test. Some food suggestions advised to eat during the preparation for the entrance exam are:

  • Make light meals every 3 hours, with gelatin, chocolate or yogurt, for example. The brain receives energy in addition to taking a break that helps maintain concentration over periods of long study; Eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins and minerals, which help to regulate all body functions and have antioxidants, which protect brain cells; Prefer foods like fish, dried fruits and seeds as they are rich in omega 3 which is important to protect brain cells, improving brain performance; Pumpkin seeds, almonds or hazelnuts that have magnesium, which prevents memory loss, as well how it improves brain performance and vitality. Coffee and caffeinated drinks like guarana, as they have caffeine that stimulates the central nervous system keeping the individual more alert. However, it is important to drink a maximum of 4 small cups of coffee a day.

There are other substances that are also good for stimulating the brain, but they are easier to ingest through supplements, such as ginko biloba, which improves blood flow in the brain by improving concentration, memorization and retention of the studied contents. The supplement can be taken under medical supervision during the test preparation period.

To make your brain a lot smarter, you need to read:

Food for the entrance exam