Home Symptoms What to eat and what to avoid in osteoporosis

What to eat and what to avoid in osteoporosis


The diet for osteoporosis has to be rich in calcium, present in foods such as milk, cheese and yogurt, and vitamin D, which is found in fish, meat and eggs. Vitamin D increases the absorption of calcium in the intestine, and calcium is the main mineral forming bone mass.

Osteoporosis is a chronic disease that has no symptoms, being discovered in tests of control and prevention of general health. It is more common in women, especially after menopause, and increases the risk of bone fractures.

What to eat

Adequate food for osteoporosis should contain:


The main foods rich in calcium are milk and its derivatives, such as cheese and yogurt. In addition to dairy products, they also bring good amounts of calcium foods such as sardines, almonds, salmon, tofu, broccoli, arugula, kale and spinach.

D vitamin

The vitamin is necessary for the proper absorption of calcium in the intestine, being present in foods such as salmon, cod liver oil, egg and sardines. However, the biggest and best way to produce enough vitamin D for the body is to sunbathe daily for 20 minutes, as the sun's rays stimulate the production of this vitamin in the skin.

However, if vitamin D levels are already low or when osteoporosis is already installed, the doctor may recommend supplements based on calcium and vitamin D.


Magnesium is an important mineral to convert vitamin D into its active form, because only then will it act properly in the body. Magnesium is present in pumpkin, sesame, flaxseed, chestnut, almond, peanut and oat seeds, for example.

What to avoid

On the other hand, in food for osteoporosis, one should avoid consuming foods that decrease the absorption of calcium in the intestine or that increase its excretion through the kidneys, through urine, such as:

  • Salt and sodium-rich foods, such as meat cubes, sausage, sausage, ham, frozen ready food and fast food; Oxalic acid and phytate, present in chocolate, wheat germ, nuts, beans, spinach, tomatoes and chard; Butter and fatty meats, as excess saturated fat decreases the absorption of calcium in the body; Excess proteins, mainly present in meat, fish and chicken.

The excess of proteins increases the elimination of calcium in the urine and can reduce its absorption in the intestine, because normally proteins are present in foods that are also rich in iron, a mineral that competes for calcium to be absorbed in the intestine. Caruru is a plant rich in calcium, see its benefits here.

Osteoporosis Diet Menu

The following table shows an example of a 3-day menu to improve osteoporosis:

Meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast 1 glass of milk + 2 slices of whole grain bread with egg and cheese 1 plain yogurt + 1 tapioca with egg 1 cup of coffee with milk + egg omelet with cheese
Morning snack 1 banana + 10 chestnuts 1 glass of green juice with kale 1 apple + 20 peanuts
Lunch dinner 4 col of rice + 2 col of beans + 100 g of lean steak + green salad with olive oil sardine pasta with tomato sauce + sauteed vegetables with pumpkin seeds and olive oil Chicken soup with vegetables
Afternoon snack 1 plain yogurt + 1 col of honey soup + 2 col of granola 1 small cup of coffee + 1 baked banana + 1 baked beech cheese 1 cup of avocado smoothie with oats

Thus, foods that can reduce calcium absorption, such as meat and beans, should be consumed separately from calcium-rich foods, especially milk and dairy products. See 3 other foods to strengthen bones.

In addition, the practice of physical exercise is also very important to keep bones strong, learn other tips by watching the video:

What to eat and what to avoid in osteoporosis