Home Symptoms Feeding pigeons is bad for health

Feeding pigeons is bad for health


Feeding pigeons on the street can be bad for your health due to the countless bacteria and microorganisms that these animals have, which can leave humans susceptible to diseases such as mycoses, salmonellosis, cryptococcosis, ornithosis and dermatitis, in addition to having lice that can also generally parasitize the humans.

Pigeons usually eat grains and seeds but also accept other types of food such as bread, bran and leftover food, feeding them ends up being the fun of many families, due to the harmless and captivating appearance of these birds, but if the individual had contact with pigeons and manifesting symptoms such as high fever, chills and headache should see a doctor to avoid generalized infections diseases can cause inflammation or lung infections

Individuals who need to deal with pigeons or their habitat and who have direct contact with these birds, need some special care such as the use of gloves and protective masks.

Feeding pigeons in the city increases the likelihood of contamination, but diseases can be caused by inhaling the feces of these animals on the floor, windows and sidewalks, which are often not noticed by individuals. To do the correct hygiene, just wet the place with water and chlorine and let the product act for approximately an hour, it is a simple care that can be determinant for health.

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Feeding pigeons is bad for health