Home Symptoms Anxiety Foods

Anxiety Foods


The anti-anxiety diet should include foods rich in nutrients like magnesium, omega-3, fiber and tryptophan, and some examples are bananas, oats and dark chocolate. These foods help to regulate intestinal flora and increase the production of serotonin, the wellness hormone.

In addition, it is also necessary to reduce the consumption of foods rich in sugar and white flour, as they lead to changes in blood glucose and serotonin production, causing peaks of satisfaction followed and sadness and anxiety.

Foods and nutrients that should be consumed

To help control anxiety, consumption of the following foods should be increased:

Omega 3

Omega-3 is a good fat rich in EPA and DHA, fatty acids that improve brain function and reduce anxiety. The main foods rich in omega-3 are tuna, salmon, sardines, flaxseed, chia, chestnuts, and avocado.


It helps to relax, improves circulation and quality of sleep, being present in foods such as chia, chestnuts, bananas, artichokes, spinach, beets, natural yogurt and whole grains, such as brown rice and oats.


Tryptophan is an amino acid that helps in the production of serotonin, and can be found in foods such as meat, chicken, fish, eggs, bananas, cheese, cocoa, dark chocolate and peanuts. See the full list here.

Complex B vitamins

The B vitamins, especially B6, B12 and folic acid, are important regulators of the nervous system, and participate in the production of serotonin. These vitamins can be found in whole grains, like brown rice, brown bread and oats, and in other foods like bananas, spinach and other green vegetables.

Vitamin C and flavonoids

Vitamin C and flavonoids are antioxidants that reduce stress and anxiety, helping to control hormone production. Its main foods are citrus fruits, such as orange, pineapple and mandarin, chocolate and fresh vegetables.

Foods to Avoid

Foods that should be avoided to help control anxiety are:

  • Sugar and sweets in general; Sugary drinks, such as industrialized juices, soft drinks and energy drinks; White flour, cakes, biscuits, snacks and white breads; Caffeine, present in coffee, mate tea, green tea and black tea; Alcoholic beverages; Refined cereals, such as white rice and white pasta; Bad fats, such as those found in sausages, sausages, ham, bologna, turkey breast, stuffed cookies, fast foods and frozen frozen food.

Anxiety can prevent the individual from making correct decisions and even paralyze him in the face of a situation, but a balanced diet and frequent practice of physical activities help to control stress and anxiety.

Anxiety Menu

The following table shows an example of a 3-day menu to combat anxiety:

Meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast 1 glass of orange juice + 2 slices of wholemeal bread with cheese 1 plain yogurt + 2 tablespoons of oats + 1 spoon of bee honey decaffeinated coffee + egg sandwich and light curd
Morning snack 10 cashew nuts 1 banana + 1 col of almond paste soup 3 squares of chocolate 70% cocoa
Lunch dinner 1/2 salmon fillet in the oven with potatoes and spinach salad beef stroganoff + 4 col of brown rice soup + sautéed vegetables in olive oil wholegrain pasta + chicken breast in tomato sauce + eggplant, cucumber and peppers sautéed in olive oil
Afternoon snack 1 plain yogurt with strawberry + 2 scrambled eggs with tomato and oregano 1 glass of green juice + 1 slice of wholemeal bread with cheese Papaya smoothie + 1 col of oat soup

Anxiety is a psychological condition in which the individual is in a state of unpleasant apprehension, resulting in a greater concern than required by the situation, and which can cause physical and psychological symptoms, such as headache, chest pain and lack concentration. See all symptoms here.

Anxious individuals tend to be impulsive and have a certain urgency to solve problems and women are more likely to develop anxiety attacks than men.

See also how to control anxiety with soothing natural remedies in the following video:

Anxiety Foods