Home Symptoms What to eat to dry pimples

What to eat to dry pimples


Pimple-reducing foods are mainly whole grains and foods rich in omega-3s, such as salmon and sardines, as they help regulate blood sugar and reduce inflammation of the skin, which causes pimples.

In addition, foods rich in zinc such as Brazil nuts because they also help to reduce oiliness in the skin and help with healing, avoiding the spots left by pimples.

What to eat to reduce pimples

The main foods that should be included in the diet to reduce pimples are:

  • Whole grains: brown rice, brown pasta, whole flour, quinoa, oats; Omega-3: sardines, tuna, salmon, flaxseed, chia; Seeds: chia, flaxseed, pumpkin; Lean meats: fish, chicken, lizard, duckling and pork loin; Vitamin A: carrot, papaya, spinach, egg yolk, mango; Vitamin C and E: lemon, orange, broccoli, avocado.

In addition to enriching the food in these foods, it is essential to drink 2 to 2.5 liters of water per day so that the skin is hydrated and prepared for healing. Here's how to make a great home remedy for pimples.

Menu to fight pimples

The following table shows an example of a 3-day diet menu to combat pimples and improve skin:

Meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast Natural yogurt + 1 slice of whole grain bread with egg and ricotta Fruit smoothie made with almond milk Orange juice + 2 scrambled eggs + 1 slice of papaya
Morning snack 3 Brazil nuts + 1 apple Mashed avocado with honey and chia Natural yogurt with 2 teaspoons of chia
Lunch dinner Baked potato with olive oil + 1/2 salmon fillet + broccoli salad 4 col of brown rice soup + 2 col of bean soup + grilled chicken breast + salad with carrots, spinach and mango Tuna pasta with wholegrain pasta and tomato sauce + green salad
Afternoon snack 1 glass of green juice with pineapple, carrot, lemon and cabbage Natural yogurt + 1 handfuls of chestnut mix Avocado smoothie with vegetable milk and honey

Foods that cause pimples

The foods that cause pimples are mainly foods rich in sugar and fat, such as chocolate, fatty meats, fried foods, sausages, fast food, frozen frozen food and excess bread, snacks, cookies, sweets and milk and dairy products.

When the diet is very fatty and rich in simple carbohydrates such as flour, bread and cookies, the sebaceous glands produce more sebum and the pores tend to become clogged more easily. Therefore, during the treatment of acne, in addition to the use of specific cosmetic products, it is also important to drink water and improve nutrition, which helps eliminate toxins present in the body and improves skin health.

Thus, in addition to changes in diet, practicing physical activity daily also helps in controlling acne, as it improves blood sugar control, the body's hormonal production and reduces skin oiliness. Watch the following video and see which is the best tea that dries pimples very quickly:

What to eat to dry pimples