The foods that cause flatulence are foods like bread, pasta and beans, for example, because they are rich in carbohydrates that favor the production of gases in the intestine causing bloating and discomfort in the belly.
Some foods can cause more flatulence than others, so to find out which foods cause the most gas in the body you must eliminate one food or group of foods at a time and analyze the results. You can start with milk and dairy products, then eliminate legumes, such as beans, and then eliminate vegetables, one at a time and then observe if there is any difference in gas production.
List of foods that cause flatulence
The foods that cause flatulence are mainly foods with carbohydrates that ferment during digestion leading to the formation of gases. These foods can be:
- Chickpeas, lentils, peas and other legumes; Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, onion, artichoke and asparagus; Sweets and soft drinks; Milk; Potato, pasta, white bread and other foods with wheat.
In addition to avoiding foods that cause flatulence, it is also important to reduce foods rich in sulfur, such as garlic, meat, fish and cabbage, for example, as they intensify the odor of gases.
Foods that do not cause flatulence
Foods that do not cause flatulence are foods such as orange, plum, pumpkin or carrot, as they are rich in water and fiber that help the intestine to function properly, decreasing the production of gases.
Drinking water also helps to eliminate flatulence and, therefore, it is recommended to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day. You can also choose to drink teas, such as fennel, cardomome or fennel tea, for example, which help to eliminate intestinal gases.
Although there are foods that cause flatulence, this does not happen in the same way in all individuals because the food tends to produce more gas in the intestine when there is an imbalance between the beneficial and pathogenic bacteria present in this place and that is why some individuals produce more gases than others.
See a good home remedy for flatulence at: Home remedy for flatulence.
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