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What is good for memory


Foods to improve memory are fish, dried fruits and seeds because they have omega 3, which is the main component of brain cells facilitating communication between cells and improving memory as well as fruits, especially citrus fruits, and vegetables rich in antioxidants, which protect cells avoiding forgetfulness and facilitating memorization.

In addition, being attentive at the time of memorization is also essential and stimulating foods that increase concentration, such as coffee or dark chocolate, can be useful to facilitate memorization. A cup of coffee in the morning and a square of dark chocolate afterwards and lunch and dinner are enough.

In this video I indicate what to eat to improve your ability to concentrate and how to have a sharp memory:

Best memory foods

Some foods to improve memory can be:

  • Salmon - as it is rich in omega 3, it helps to improve the performance and functioning of the brain to record information. Nuts - in addition to omega 3, they have vitamin E which, because it is an antioxidant, decreases the aging of brain cells avoiding forgetfulness. Egg - contains vitamin B12, which helps in the formation of brain cell components and make them work properly. In addition, the egg yolk has acetylcholine, which is important for the brain's memory functions. Milk - has tryptophan, which is an amino acid that improves brain performance and also helps to have a more peaceful sleep, essential for storing information. Wheat germ - rich in vitamin B6, which helps to regulate the transmission of information between brain cells. Tomato - in addition to lycopene, which is an antioxidant, it has fisetin, which is a substance that improves brain function and reduces forgetfulness.

In order for these foods to improve memory, it is necessary to eat 1 of these foods every day at each meal, for example milk for breakfast, salad with tomatoes, nuts and egg for lunch, citrus juice with wheat germ for snack and salmon at dinner. If after 3 months enriching your diet with these foods, your memory does not improve, it is important to consult your doctor.

Test your memory

You can have your memory quickly with this online test that we indicate below. Pay close attention to the image shown and then answer 12 questions about this image. This test only lasts a few minutes but can be useful to indicate if you have a good memory or if you need any help.

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Pay close attention!

You have 60 seconds to memorize the image on the next slide.

Start the test

60 Next15There are 5 people in the image?
  • Yes No
15Does the image have a blue circle?
  • Yes No
15Is the house in the yellow circle?
  • Yes No
15 Are there three red crosses in the image?
  • Yes No
15Is the green circle for the hospital?
  • Yes No
15Does the man with the cane have a blue blouse?
  • Yes No
15Is the cane brown?
  • Yes No
15 Does the hospital have 8 windows?
  • Yes No
15 Does the house have a chimney?
  • Yes No
15Does the man in the wheelchair have a green blouse?
  • Yes No
15Is the doctor with his arms crossed?
  • Yes No
15 Are the suspenders of the man with the cane black?
  • Yes No

Check also simple strategies that can improve your memory naturally:

What is good for memory