Home Bulls Newborn baby bath

Newborn baby bath


The bath of the newborn baby should not take more than 10 minutes and can be given at any time of the day and every day. However, about 2-3 baths per week are sufficient for the baby and the baby should never be bathed after he eats or sucks because he can golf.

In addition, to bathe the newborn baby it is important to use hygiene products, such as shampoo and soap, suitable for babies because they are less aggressive to the skin and do not cause eye irritation, for example.

How to bathe the newborn baby

To bathe the newborn baby, the following steps must be taken:

Bath water temperature

Washing Newborn Baby's Hair

1. How to clean the bathroom before showering

  • Prepare all the material before bathing the baby, such as towels, hygiene products, clean diaper, clean clothes and place them near the baby's bathtub; Keep the temperature pleasant, between 22 to 25ºC, closing all doors and windows to avoid drafts that can make the baby sick; Fill the bathtub with warm water, checking with a thermometer or the pulse, if the temperature is between 36º-37ºC to avoid burning the baby. The bathtub should have a maximum of 13 centimeters of water or about 8 fingers.

2. How to wash the hair and face of the newborn baby:

  • With the newborn baby still out of the bath and with the body wrapped in a towel, hold the head over the bath, placing the arm under the body and the hand on the neck; Throw a small amount of water from front to back of the head, without wetting the baby's ears, lightly running a hand through the hair, without rubbing or massaging; Wash the newborn baby's eyes, nose and face only with water and gauze, changing the gauze after each use.

Washing the newborn baby's body

How to hold baby on his stomach

3. How to wash the newborn baby's body:

  • Place the baby in the bathtub and hold it, placing one of your arms behind the baby's back, holding it under his arm, so that the baby's head is supported on your forearm, as shown in image 2; Wash the baby's arms, hands, belly, legs and intimate area, in this order, with a small amount of soap; Wash the baby's back and bottom. To turn the baby over, rotate it with your free hand, with the baby's chest and face resting on the arm that was holding him, as shown in image 3;

4. How to dry the newborn baby:

  • Dry the baby very well, especially the folds, with a soft towel, without rubbing;

    Put baby moisturizer on the baby's body, put the diaper on and put it on.

The baby should never be left alone during the bath or for a second so that he does not drown and the nails of the person who bathes the baby must be short so as not to hurt him.

Here's how to do other baby care:

Newborn baby bath