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Benefits of alcoholic beverages (you never imagined!)


Alcoholic beverages are often known to be just one risk factor that can influence the development of various types of health problems. However, if consumed sparingly and in the right amounts, this type of drink can also have some health benefits, especially in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, lowering cholesterol levels and improving blood circulation.

In addition to being good for physical health, moderate alcohol consumption can also contribute to a more active social life, which ends up having an impact on mental health, and may even reduce the chances of depression.

However, it is always necessary to remember that alcoholic beverages should be consumed responsibly to avoid the serious losses that their improper consumption can bring.

1. Beer

Beer is a fermented malt drink that is rich in antioxidants that prevent cardiovascular diseases, and in B vitamins that work by improving metabolism, memory, the appearance of skin and nails and fighting fatigue.

in addition, beer improves bowel function and is rich in magnesium, which promotes muscle relaxation and reduces tension.

Ideal amount per day: up to two 250 ml mugs for men and only one cup for women. Understand what it is and see all the benefits of beer malt.

2. Red wine

Red wine is rich in resveratrol, a potent antioxidant that prevents heart disease, thrombosis, stroke, improves blood circulation and lowers high cholesterol. According to several studies, people who drink at least one glass of wine a day have a longer and healthier life.

Ideal amount per day: 300 ml for men and 200 ml for women.

3. Caipirinha

The cachaça present in caipirinha is rich in antioxidants that protect the heart and fight high cholesterol, in addition to anticoagulants, substances that improve blood circulation and prevent stroke and thrombosis.

The more aged, the greater the benefits of cachaça, and together with the fruits of caipirinha they form a drink full of antioxidants that protect health.

Ideal amount per day: 2 doses for men and 1 dose for women.

Amount of alcohol and calories from drinks

The maximum amount of alcohol that must be consumed per day to obtain the benefits of the drinks is approximately 30 g. Thus, the following table describes the amount of alcohol in each of the drinks indicated above, as well as the number of calories:

Beverage Amount of alcohol Calories
330 ml of beer 11 grams 130
150 ml of red wine 15 grams 108
30 ml of caipirinha 12 grams 65

Risks of alcohol excess

Despite the benefits obtained with moderate daily consumption of alcohol, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is linked to the increase in problems such as cancer, cardiovascular, neurological and gastrointestinal diseases. See what are the diseases caused by alcohol.

Those who have difficulty consuming only 1 or 2 glasses of alcohol a day, can choose to take medications that help to stop drinking, such as Antiethanol and Revia, which should be taken according to medical advice. In addition, help can also be sought in AA groups, Alcoholics Anonymous, who help treat addiction and overcome social and family problems caused by drinking.

It is also important to remember that after consuming alcohol, even in small quantities, one should not drive. In the breathalyzer test, for example, the maximum alcohol limit allowed is 0.05 mg, which can already be detected after consuming only 1 liqueur bonbon, for example.

Benefits of alcoholic beverages (you never imagined!)