Home Bulls Benazepril



Benazepril is a medicine known commercially as Lotensin.

This medication for oral use is an antihypertensive and vasodilator, which facilitates blood circulation because it acts by decreasing the pressure in the blood vessels.

Indications of Benazepril

Arterial hypertension; cardiac insufficiency.

Side effects of Benazepril

Headache; fatigue; nausea; dizziness; fainting due to pressure drop; cough; somnolence.

Contraindications for Benazepril

Pregnancy risk C; lactating women.

How to use Benazepril

Oral use

Take the medicine before or after meals.


Hypertension: Start treatment with 10 mg, in a daily dose, and progressively increase to 20 to 40 mg, in a single daily dose or divided into two equal doses.
