Home Bulls Benciclane (fludilat)

Benciclane (fludilat)


Fludilat is an oral medicine that has Benciclane as an active substance, a cerebral and peripheral vasodilator that improves circulation.

This medicine can be found in pharmacies under the name of Fludilat and is produced by Schering-Plow laboratories, and should only be used on medical advice.


This medicine costs on average 25 reais and is sold in packs of 24 pills.


Fludilat is used to improve circulation, such as:

  • Cerebral and peripheral circulatory disorders, such as cerebral sclerosis or circulatory problems in the legs; Diabetic angiopathy, including diabetic retinopathy; Functional circulatory disorders such as Raynaud's disease and acrocyanosis and circulatory disorders of the eyes.

This medicine should only be used on the recommendation of the doctor.

How to use

Generally, 1 tablet is indicated 2 times a day, after meals, and in severe cases, the dose can be increased to 1 tablet, 3 times a day.

Side effects

Some side effects include nausea, vomiting, a feeling of full stomach, hallucination, dizziness, tremor of the hands and changes in sleep.


The use of Fludilat is contraindicated in pregnancy, in children and during breastfeeding. In addition, patients who have had a stroke, head trauma in the past year and who have kidney, liver and heart failure should not use this medication.

Benciclane (fludilat)