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6 Health Benefits of Acupuncture


Acupuncture is a therapy that emerged from traditional Chinese medicine and is used to promote well-being and to treat various health problems. Acupuncture techniques consist of applying final needles, laser or mustard seeds to specific points on the body, called meridians, where nerve endings, tendons and muscle fibers are located.

The application of needles in the meridians aims to release the accumulated energy in the body and for the positive effects of this therapy to be felt, it is necessary to look for qualified professionals, who have knowledge of acupuncture techniques. It is also important to follow a doctor's treatment and recommendations. Find out more about how acupuncture is done.

Acupuncture is a safe therapy and the effectiveness of the techniques has been increasingly studied, with some known benefits being:

1. Complementary disease treatment

Acupuncture can be used as a complementary treatment for various diseases such as gastritis, duodenal ulcer, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and hormonal changes because by stimulating specific points in the body it can improve blood circulation, regulate the heartbeat and stimulate the cells' defense cells. body.

Through the application of fine needles in the correct meridians, the flow of energy in the body can be released, strengthening the immune system that produces substances that fight diseases. Find out more what are the main points of acupuncture and which organs stimulate.

2. Reduced anxiety and stress

Acupuncture sessions can be recommended by a psychiatrist, psychologist or acupuncturist to improve symptoms caused by depression, anxiety and stress. The frequency and period of treatment by acupuncture is different from one person to another, depending on the symptoms and should be indicated by the professional who will perform the acupuncture.

For the benefits to be greater, it is important to include leisure activities on a daily basis, exercise, have a balanced diet, take the medications indicated by the doctor and change life habits that are harmful to health. Here's more to do to combat stress and anxiety.

3. Decrease in chronic pain

Acupuncture helps to reduce back pain, migraine, menstrual cramps and reduces the pain caused by fibromyalgia, as the introduction of fine needles at specific points in the body can activate muscle fibers and this causes the spinal cord to stimulate the brain to release substances, such as endorphins, that reduce pain and promote relaxation and a sense of well-being.

One of the most used techniques for pain relief is auriculotherapy, which consists of applying needles to very precise regions of the ear. See more how auriculotherapy is done.

4. Relief from allergy symptoms

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that allergies are caused because the reaction of the defense cells causes the body's energy flow to accumulate, causing symptoms caused by rhinitis, such as sneezing, runny nose and itching.

Acupuncture helps to improve these symptoms, as it releases the accumulated energy and stimulates the proper functioning of the immune system, in addition to increasing blood flow. Often, as the person is doing acupuncture sessions, it may reduce the need for anti-allergy medications.

5. Skin rejuvenation

Acupuncture can be used for aesthetic purposes, as the application of fine needles to the face, neck and head can stimulate the production of collagen and help in the recovery and support of muscles.

This process can improve the appearance of the skin, smoothing stretch marks and cellulite, as well as reducing body fat, as acupuncture also acts by decreasing appetite and increasing the body's metabolism. However, for acupuncture to be more effective, measures such as eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of fluids and exercising are necessary.

6. Auxiliary treatment against the use of cigarettes, alcohol and drugs

The application of fine needles performed in acupuncture can help treatment for people who want to quit smoking, as it reduces the desire to smoke. However, it must be performed by trained professionals, as the introduction of fine needles must be made in very specific meridians.

This type of therapy can also help people who are undergoing treatment to stop using alcohol in excess and addiction. Check out other treatments indicated for chemical dependence.

When is indicated

Acupuncture must be performed by a qualified professional with a professional record and is indicated for anyone who has digestive, neurological and emotional disorders, such as anxiety, stress and depression.

Acupuncture is not recommended for people who have hematological diseases, mainly related to coagulation, nor for people who have allergies to metals. In addition, it is important that the person does not fast before the acupuncture session or drink coffee or black tea.

Usually acupuncture does not result in side effects, however, in some cases there may be the appearance of mild adverse effects, such as pain in the place where the needles were placed, dizziness and drowsiness, for example.

6 Health Benefits of Acupuncture