Home Bulls Benefits of carboxitherapy and common questions

Benefits of carboxitherapy and common questions


Carboxitherapy is an aesthetic procedure indicated for the treatment of cellulite, stretch marks, localized fat, wrinkles, dark circles, sagging, although less known, for hair loss, both in men and in women. The benefits of carboxitherapy are:

  • Increase local blood flow; Promote the production of collagen fibers, which support the skin; Increase local metabolism; Improve appearance and decrease the size of scars; Facilitate the healing of chronic wounds; Favor the burning of fat; Undo the nodules cellulite; Promote hair growth when applied to the scalp.

Carboxitherapy sessions should be held in properly regulated cosmetic clinics and only by physiotherapists specialized in Dermato Functional physiotherapy.

The results of carboxitherapy can be observed from the 1st treatment session to eliminate stretch marks, between 3-5 sessions to combat cellulite, for example. This is safe and has no health risks, but as side effects, there is usually the appearance of a small hematoma at the injection site, which decreases considerably with the application of cold for a few minutes.

Common questions about carboxitherapy

Does carboxitherapy really work?

The effectiveness of carboxitherapy has been proven in several scientific studies. There is evidence that it is effective in eliminating wrinkles, dark circles, stretch marks, cellulite, reducing localized fat and promoting hair growth. However, as these changes are sometimes multifactorial, the results may not be permanently maintained, as can happen in the case of alopecia, baldness, and when the person undergoes weight changes quickly, promoting the appearance of new ones. stretch marks and fat accumulation. Thus, for the results to be achieved and to be maintained permanently, changes in eating habits must be made, avoiding a sedentary lifestyle, for example.

Can carboxitherapy be used on the breasts?

Yes, treatment with carboxitherapy can be performed on the trunk, and even on the breasts, to remove stretch marks, for example. However, this area of ​​the body is sensitive and pain can restrict treatment, because the use of local anesthetics in the form of an ointment may not be sufficient to prevent the pain caused by the penetration of the gas into the skin.

Is carboxytherapy useful to remove the breeches?

Yes, carboxitherapy can be used to eliminate the breeches, which is an accumulation of fat located on the side of the thighs, but depending on the breeches size, the therapist may suggest another treatment, such as lipocavitation, for example.

Carboxitherapy increases cholesterol?

No, although fat is eliminated from the cell, it does not enter the bloodstream and does not increase cholesterol. Several studies have been carried out to prove how this treatment works, its results and maintenance, and in none of them did cholesterol increase in the people tested.

Benefits of carboxitherapy and common questions