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Lychee health benefits


Lychee, known scientifically as Litchi chinensis , is a sweet, heart-shaped exotic fruit, originating in China, but also grown in Brazil.

The benefits of lychee are mainly to help the correct functioning of cells throughout the body, counteracting the harmful effect of stress or poor diet, for example, because it is rich in antioxidants, such as anthocyanins, flavonoids and tannins. Other health benefits of lychee can be:

  1. Prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases; Prevent the development of cancer; Protect the liver from various diseases; Keep the skin firm and perfect; Improve the body's metabolism.

In addition, lychee is low in calories and can be consumed in weight loss diets and is good for controlling diabetes because it contains hypoglycine, a substance that lowers glucose production, helping to control blood sugar. See how you can enjoy this fruit to lose weight in: 3 exotic fruits to lose weight.

How to consume

This fruit can be eaten raw, in juice or tea with the peel, but there is also canned lychee and even lychee candies. In addition, it can be found in soaps, perfumes and creams, for example.

The best time to consume this fruit is after meals, and its consumption should be avoided early in the morning, after a few hours of fasting because as it prevents the formation of glucose, which is essential for brain function, its exclusive consumption can be serious causing even seizures.

Lychee nutritional information

Components Quantity per 100 g of lychees
Calories 66 calories
Proteins 1.1 g
Fats 0.1 g
Carbohydrates 18 g
Vitamin B1 0.05 mg
Vitamin B2 0.07 mg
Vitamin B3 0.5 mg
Vitamin C 49 mg
Calcium 2 mg
Iron 0.5 mg

Lychees can be found in supermarkets, markets or fairs and the price is approximately 10 reais a kilo.

Lychee health benefits