Home Bulls Benefits of chocolate for skin and hair

Benefits of chocolate for skin and hair


Chocolate is rich in antioxidants and has a moisturizing action, being effective to soften skin and hair and that is why it is common to find moisturizing creams with this ingredient.

Chocolate can be applied directly to the skin and hair, but it is also possible to obtain other benefits through its ingestion. The daily consumption of just 1 small square of dark chocolate can help in the health of the skin and hair because dark chocolate has antioxidants that protect cells by attenuating wrinkles, for example. However, it also has a lot of calories and fats, so you can't eat more than this recommendation.

Benefits of chocolate for skin

The benefits of chocolate for the skin when making a chocolate bath are a deep hydration of the skin that makes it softer and more luminous, as the fatty mass of cocoa will form a protective layer that does not let moisture out.

Homemade face mask

To have greater benefits with this mask, it is recommended that you use a chocolate with a high cocoa content, that is, more than 60%.


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Method of preparation

Melt chocolate in double boiler. Then add the clay and mix well until you get a homogeneous mixture. Let it warm and apply it on your face with the help of a brush, avoiding the area near your eyes and mouth.

Leave the mask on for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water and a soap appropriate for the skin type.

Benefits of chocolate for hair

The benefits of chocolate for the hair are related to the application of chocolate mousse that combats the brittle and devitalized hair strands that appear due to the frequent use of chemicals.

Homemade hair mask


  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder1 cup of natural yogurt1 spoon of honey1 banana1 / 2 avocado

Method of preparation

Simply beat the ingredients in a blender and then apply to hair after shampooing. Leave on for about 20 minutes and rinse with cold water.

This hydration can be done once a month or whenever the hair is dry, dull and with split ends.

Learn about other health benefits of chocolate in the following video:

Benefits of chocolate for skin and hair