Home Bulls Why every pregnant woman should practice pilates

Why every pregnant woman should practice pilates


Pilates exercises in pregnancy can be performed from the first trimester, but be careful not to bring any problems to the mother or baby. These exercises are excellent for strengthening and toning the muscles of the entire body, preparing the woman's body for the arrival of the baby.

With stronger and firmer muscles, the pregnant woman tends to feel less back pain, moves more easily and is more willing to carry out her day-to-day activities, which can help with tidying up everything for the baby's arrival.

However, it is important that the exercises are aimed at the pregnant woman because at this stage it is necessary to strengthen the back and the pelvic muscles that are naturally weakened at this stage in the woman's life. Pilates classes for pregnant women can be held 1 or 2 times a week lasting 30 minutes to 1 hour each, or at the discretion of the instructor, depending on the type of fitness of the pregnant woman.

Main benefits of Pilates during pregnancy

Pilates exercises help to better support the weight of the belly, fight bloating and even facilitate birth in normal birth, in addition to reducing the risk of urinary incontinence in pregnancy and also in the postpartum period. Other benefits of Pilates in pregnancy are:

  • Combats back pain and discomfort; Greater control over weight; Better physical conditioning; Improves breathing; Improves blood circulation; Greater baby oxygenation.

In addition, regular Pilates practice during pregnancy soothes the baby because there is a lower concentration of cortisol in the mother's bloodstream. Cortisol is a hormone that is found in greater amounts in the blood when we are tired and stressed.

Check out 6 Pilates exercises for pregnant women.

When not to practice Pilates in pregnancy

The contraindications for Pilates in pregnancy are relative and there is none that is absolute. As long as the mother and baby are healthy and the professional who accompanies her has extensive experience in working with Pilates during pregnancy, the risks are practically nonexistent. However, you should be aware of some signs that may indicate that this is not the best time to practice the exercises, such as:

  • Fast heart rate; Uncontrolled high blood pressure; Shortness of breath; Abdominal pain; Vaginal bleeding; Very strong or very close contractions; Chest pain.

The obstetrician must be aware that the pregnant woman is practicing this type of physical activity because in some cases it is more indicated not to practice any type of physical activity during pregnancy, especially if there is a risk of miscarriage, if the contractions are very frequent, if there is bleeding vaginal, or if any disease is detected such as pre-eclampsia, heart or lung disease. In these cases it is not only Pilates that is contraindicated, but any type of physical activity that may compromise the mother's or baby's health.

Why every pregnant woman should practice pilates