Home Bulls 10 Benefits of White Tea and How to Make It

10 Benefits of White Tea and How to Make It


To lose weight while drinking white tea, it is recommended to consume 1.5 to 2.5 g of the herb per day, which is equivalent to between 2 to 3 cups of tea per day, which should be consumed preferably without adding sugar or sweetener. In addition, its consumption should be made 1 hour before or after meals, as caffeine can decrease the absorption of nutrients from the diet.

White tea can be found in its natural form or in capsules, with prices ranging between 10 and 110 reais, depending on the quantity and whether the product is organic or not.

What is white tea for

White tea, in addition to helping to detoxify and improve the functioning of the body, also has other health benefits such as:

  1. Increase metabolism, because it contains caffeine; Stimulate fat burning, as it contains polyphenols and xanthines, substances that act in fat; Combat fluid retention, as it is a diuretic; Avoid premature aging, as it contains polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants; Prevent cancer, especially prostate and stomach cancer, due to the richness in antioxidants; Relieve stress, because it contains L-theanine, a substance that favors the production of pleasure and well-being hormones; Decrease inflammation, as it contains catechin antioxidants; Prevent atherosclerosis as it helps to clear cholesterol from blood vessels; Fight viruses and bacteria in the body; Controls blood pressure, as it has vasodilating properties.

White tea is produced from the same plant as green tea, Camellia sinensis , but the leaves and buds that are used in its production are taken from the plant at a young age.

How to make tea

White tea should be made in the proportion of 2 shallow teaspoons for each cup of water. During the preparation, the water must be heated until the formation of small bubbles begins, extinguishing the fire before it starts to boil. Then, add the plant and cover the container, letting the mixture rest for about 5 minutes.

Recipes with white tea

To increase consumption, this drink can be used in recipes such as juices, vitamins and gelatines, as shown below.

1. Pineapple Suchá


  • 200 ml of white tea ½ lemon juice2 slices of pineapple3 mint leaves or 1 teaspoon of ginger zest

Preparation: Beat all ingredients in a blender and drink ice cream.

2. White tea gelatin


  • 600 ml of water; 400 ml of white tea; 2 envelopes of lemon gelatin.

Preparation: Mix the water and tea, and dilute the gelatin according to the instructions on the label.

In addition to being found in its natural form, it is also possible to buy this fruit flavored tea, such as lemon, pineapple and peach. Make the best choice compared to the benefits of green tea.

Who should not use

Despite containing lower levels of caffeine, this drink should not be consumed by pregnant or breastfeeding women, and by people who have gastric ulcers, diabetes, insomnia or pressure problems, for example, it is important to consult a doctor or herbalist before taking the tea to know the ideal amount so that it does not have adverse effects.

10 Benefits of White Tea and How to Make It