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Benefits and care when cycling


Cycling regularly brings benefits, such as improving mood, because it releases serotonin into the bloodstream and also improves blood circulation, being useful to fight swelling and fluid retention. But, other equally important benefits include:

  1. Weight loss because it is an exercise that consumes about 200 calories in 30 minutes; Thicken the legs because it strengthens this musculature, being also useful to fight cellulite in this region; Strengthen the immune system, making the body more resistant to microorganisms; Improve heart health because with physical conditioning the heart can make less effort to pump the same amount of blood; Increase respiratory capacity because it promotes the expansion of the lungs, with greater blood oxygenation; Speed ​​up the metabolism, making the individual spend more calories even when standing still.

For those who are very overweight, cycling is better than walking or running because there is less impact on the joints. However, to ride a bike and not damage your spine it is important to use the right size of the bike and place the saddle and handlebar at the correct height.

Care when cycling safely

Some important precautions for safe cycling are:

  • Adjust the saddle and handlebars to the correct height. The ideal is that, when cycling, the knees can be almost stretched and that it is possible to cycle with the back straight and not bent. A good tip is to stand beside the bike and adjust the saddle to the same height as your hips; Start slowly. Anyone who is not used to riding a bicycle should not cycle for more than half an hour to avoid straining their legs too much. When the body starts to get used to it and riding a bicycle is getting too easy, adjust the gear to a stronger one & or change the path, preferring streets with some uphill; Have a bottle of water or some isotonic drink to drink while riding a bicycle; Apply a sunscreen on all skin exposed to the sun and, if possible, wear sunglasses to avoid straining the eyes; Check that the tires are properly inflated and the state of repair of the bicycle to avoid accidents; Find a safe place to ride a bike. As not all streets have cycle paths, it is better to choose less busy streets; If possible, use a helmet to protect your head from falls.

By following these precautions, one can take better advantage of this physical activity, however, before starting any type of exercise, a medical consultation is advised to check the health of the heart.

To avoid injury, see 7 Cautions when exercising alone.

Benefits and care when cycling