Home Symptoms How to identify and treat beriberi

How to identify and treat beriberi


Beriberi is a nutritional disease characterized by a lack of vitamin B1 in the body, also known as thiamine, which is a vitamin belonging to the B complex and which is responsible for the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body and production of energy. Thus, the symptoms of beriberi can appear throughout the body, with the main muscle cramps, double vision and mental confusion, for example.

This disease occurs mainly due to excessive consumption of alcohol or simple carbohydrates, such as manioc, rice and refined wheat flour, and therefore it can also occur in people who are overweight or obese.

Main symptoms

The symptoms of beriberi usually appear after 2 to 3 months of insufficient vitamin B1 intake, the main symptoms being:

  • Lack of appetite; Weakness and irritability; Muscle cramps; Heart palpitations; General malaise; Constipation; Memory problems; Fluid retention and swelling in the legs.

In children, symptoms of colic, vomiting, agitation and shortness of breath may also appear. It is also important to remember that this disease can also occur in overweight or obese people, who appear to be well nourished.

The diagnosis of beriberi is made mainly by observing the symptoms, and can be confirmed by a blood test that assesses the amount of vitamin B1 in the body.

How the treatment is done

The treatment of the disease is done with the use of supplements of this vitamin, which must be taken for at least 6 months, eliminating alcohol consumption and changes in the diet, which must be done by a nutritionist.

Thus, to help treat and prevent the disease, one should increase the consumption of foods rich in this vitamin, such as oat flakes, sunflower seeds or beer yeast, giving preference to whole foods over refined ones, such as rice, flour and wholegrain noodles. See the full list of foods rich in vitamin B1.

Juice against Beriberi

A good home remedy to treat Beriberi is to drink carrot, beet and beer yeast juice daily. To make the juice add in the blender 1 medium carrot and half a medium-sized beet and the brewer's yeast. This juice must be taken 3 times a week for 3 months initially to restore the body from vitamin deficiency.

Causes of beriberi

The main causes of lack of vitamin B1 in the body are:

  • Consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates, as it increases the need for this vitamin in the body; Alcoholism; Natural increase in need, such as during pregnancy, breastfeeding or intense physical activity; Presence of diseases such as cancer, hyperthyroidism and liver problems; Hemodialysis and use of diuretic medications.

Because it is water-soluble, most vitamin B1 is lost during cooking, especially when the cooking water is discarded.

Possible complications

If beriberi is not treated properly, it can cause complications of heart and liver growth, pulmonary edema, heart failure, reduced muscle sensitivity and strength, double vision and neurological problems, including delusions and memory loss.

In addition, it is important to remember that in more advanced cases, treatment is not enough to cure muscle and neurological changes, but it must be done to prevent the disease from getting worse.

How to identify and treat beriberi