Home Bulls Eggplant in the treatment of cholesterol

Eggplant in the treatment of cholesterol


Eggplant is indicated for the treatment of cholesterol, due to the high amount of antioxidants and fibers it has. Therefore, using eggplant as an additive in juices and vitamins and also in stews, as a meat accompaniment, is a good way to increase its amount in the diet, thus improving its effect on cholesterol control.

However, those who do not like the taste of eggplant can choose to take a natural remedy sold commercially as Eggplant Capsule.

Why Eggplant Lowers Cholesterol

Eggplant helps to lower cholesterol because it has fibers that help eliminate excess cholesterol in the stool, however, its use is still a subject that is widely discussed scientifically, but what is indisputable is that a diet rich in fiber and vitamins should contribute for the treatment of high cholesterol, as well as physical activity.

According to the Brazilian Society of Cardiology, the essential treatment for reducing blood cholesterol is to reduce the intake of foods rich in fat, that is, cholesterol.

Cholesterol-rich foods

Cholesterol-rich foods to avoid in your diet include:

  • Viscera (liver, kidneys, brains) Whole milk and its derivativesEmbeddedColdPoultry skinSeafood, such as octopus, shrimp, oyster, shellfish or lobster

It is also important to remove the accumulated fat in the body, especially those present inside the arteries. Home remedies based on natural products have proven to be a good initial alternative that can even make the period of use of the drug, when recommended, be shorter.

Watch the following video and check out other foods that help lower cholesterol:

Eggplant in the treatment of cholesterol