Home Bulls Betahistine (betaserc)

Betahistine (betaserc)


Betaserc is a medication used to treat Meniere's Syndrome that causes dizziness, vertigo, nausea and ringing in the ears.

This oral medication helps to improve blood circulation in the inner ear by decreasing symptoms and can be found in pharmacies under the name Labirin, being produced by the Solvay Farma laboratory and can only be purchased in pharmacies with a doctor's prescription.



Betaserc costs on average 20 reais and is manufactured in packs of 30 or 60 tablets.


The use of Betaserc is indicated for the treatment of Meniere's Syndrome that causes vertigo and feeling of nausea or vomiting, in addition to ringing in the ears, hearing loss or difficulty and feeling of dizziness of vestibular origin.

How to use

The drug is used in 16 mg tablets, 2 or 3 times a day.

Side effects

This medication can cause mild gastric complaints such as feeling sick or cause an allergic reaction with skin symptoms.


It should not be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding or when there is an allergy to any of its components.

Betahistine (betaserc)