Home Symptoms Skin biopsy: how it is done and when it is indicated

Skin biopsy: how it is done and when it is indicated


The skin biopsy is indicated by the dermatologist to investigate any changes in the skin that could be indicative of malignancy or that may interfere with the person's quality of life. Thus, skin biopsy corresponds to the collection of a sample of a skin lesion, which is sent to the laboratory for analysis.

Biopsy is a simple and quick procedure that is done under local anesthesia. After collection and sending to the laboratory, the released report informs if there is tissue involvement and how serious it is. In this way, the dermatologist is able to indicate the most appropriate treatment.

When is indicated

Skin biopsy is indicated by the dermatologist when the presence of dark spots on the skin that grow over time, inflammatory signs on the skin or abnormal growths on the skin, such as signs, for example, is verified. Thus, skin biopsy is used to diagnose skin cancer, cysts with cancerous characteristics, infections and inflammatory skin diseases, such as dermatitis and eczema, for example.

How skin biopsy is done

Skin biopsy is a simple, quick procedure that does not require hospitalization and is performed under local anesthesia. This procedure does not cause pain, however it is possible that the person feels a burning sensation that lasts a few seconds which is due to the application of the anesthetic on the spot. After collection, the material is sent to the laboratory for analysis.

There are several types of biopsy that can be chosen by the dermatologist according to the characteristics of the lesion, the main types being:

  • Punch biopsy: in this type of biopsy, a cylinder with a cutting surface is placed on the skin and removes a sample that can reach the subcutaneous fat; Scraping or shaving biopsy: with the aid of a scalpel, the most superficial layer of skin is removed, which is sent to the laboratory. Despite being superficial, the sample may be more extensive than that collected through punch biopsy; Excision biopsy: in this type, fragments of great length and depth are removed, being more used to remove tumors or signs, for example; Incision biopsy: only part of the lesion is removed, as it has a large extension.

In addition, there is the aspiration biopsy, in which with the use of a needle it is possible to aspirate a sample of the tissue to be analyzed. However, this type of biopsy is not very suitable for analyzing skin lesions, only when the result of previous biopsies indicates cancerous lesions. Thus, the dermatologist can request a biopsy by aspiration to know the extent of the cancer. Understand more about how the biopsy is done.

Skin biopsy: how it is done and when it is indicated