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Geographic animal: life cycle, symptoms and treatment


The geographic bug is a parasite frequently found in domestic animals, mainly dogs and cats, and is responsible for causing Cutaneous Larva migrans Syndrome, since the parasite can penetrate the skin through wounds or cuts and lead to the appearance of symptoms. like itching and redness.

There are two main species of geographic animal, Ancylostoma braziliense and Ancylostoma caninum , whose eggs can be released in the feces of dogs and cats, which hatch in the soil and release the larvae, which can easily enter the skin of people who have direct contact with the feces of these animals.

In most cases, the larvae are eliminated naturally from the body about 4 to 8 weeks after infection, but it is important to treat them according to the doctor's recommendation to avoid skin complications and alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Main symptoms

Symptoms of a geographic bug can take a few weeks or months to appear, because in most cases the parasites are asleep under the skin. However, when they appear, they generate symptoms such as:

  • Itchy skin, which usually gets worse at night; Sensation of movement under the skin; Redness in the skin similar to a tortuous path, which is where the larva passes; Swelling in the skin.

In the active form of the disease, it is common to observe that the lesion advances about 1 cm per day on the skin, and as soon as it is identified, treatment should begin. Know how to recognize the symptoms of a geographic bug.

Geographic animal life cycle

The life cycle of the geographic animal begins when domestic animals ingest food contaminated with the parasite, be it Ancylostoma braziliense or Ancylostoma caninum . The larvae of these parasites multiply in the intestine and release eggs that are eliminated in the feces.

In the environment, the larvae are released from the eggs and are free in the soil, which can contaminate people when there is a skin wound, for example.

How to treat

The treatment for the geographic bug must be guided by a dermatologist and is usually done with the use of medicines such as Tiabendazole, Albendazole or Mebendazole, which can be used in the form of ointment, when the disease is still in its beginning, or in the form of pills, when the geographic bug is discovered later.

Generally the symptoms of the geographic bug are reduced about 2 to 3 days after the beginning of the treatment, it is important to follow the treatment until the end to ensure that the larva is completely eliminated from the body. Understand how treatment is done for geographic animals.

How to prevent

To prevent the geographic bug, you should avoid walking barefoot in places that have dogs and cats, and collect animal feces so that they do not contaminate the soil.

In addition, it is important to take the animals to the veterinarian so that they are also treated through the use of medicines that fight the parasites responsible for cutaneous larva migrans, preventing the animals from transmitting diseases to people.

Geographic animal: life cycle, symptoms and treatment