Home Bulls Benefits of green banana biomass

Benefits of green banana biomass


Green banana biomass helps you lose weight and reduce cholesterol because it is rich in resistant starch, a type of carbohydrate that is not digested by the intestine and that acts as a fiber that helps control blood glucose, reduce cholesterol and give more satiety after the meal.

Green banana biomass has health benefits such as:

  • Help with weight loss, as it is low in calories and rich in fibers that give the feeling of satiety; Fight constipation, because it is rich in fibers; Fight depression, because it has tryptophan, an important substance to form the hormone serotonin, which increases the feeling of well-being; Decrease high cholesterol, as it helps to reduce the absorption of fat in the body; Prevent intestinal infections as it keeps the intestinal flora healthy.

To obtain its benefits, you should consume 2 tablespoons of biomass a day, which can be made at home or bought ready-made in supermarkets and health food stores.

How to make green banana biomass

The following video shows the step by step to make green banana biomass:

The green banana biomass can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days or in the freezer for up to 2 months.

Fermentation of resistant starch

Resistant starch is a type of carbohydrate that the intestine cannot digest, so it helps reduce the absorption of sugars and fats from food. Upon reaching the large intestine, the resistant starch is fermented by the intestinal flora, which helps prevent problems such as constipation, intestinal inflammation and colon cancer.

Unlike other foods, intestinal fermentation of resistant starch does not cause gas or abdominal discomfort, allowing greater consumption of green banana biomass. In addition, it is important to remember that only the green banana has the resistant starch, as it is broken down into simple sugars like fructose and sucrose as the fruit ripens.

Nutritional information and how to use

The following table shows the nutritional composition in 100 g of banana biomass.

Quantity in 100 g of green banana biomass
Energy: 64 kcal
Proteins 1.3 g Phosphor 14.4 mg
Fat 0.2 g Magnesium 14.6 mg
Carbohydrates 14.2 g Potassium 293 mg
Fibers 8.7 g Calcium 5.7 mg

You can use green banana biomass in vitamins, juices, pates and doughs in breads or cakes, in addition to hot foods such as porridge, broths and soups. Also learn about the benefits of different types of bananas.

Biomass Brigadier Recipe

This brigadeiro must be made with cold biomass, but without having been frozen.


  • Biomass of 2 green bananas5 tablespoons of brown sugar3 tablespoons of cocoa powder1 teaspoon of butter5 drops of vanilla essence

Method of preparation

Beat everything in a blender and make balls by hand. Instead of the traditional chocolate granules, you can use chestnuts or crushed almonds or granulated cocoa. It should be left in the refrigerator until the balls are very firm before serving. See another recipe at: Stroganoff with green banana biomass.

Also learn how to make green banana flour, which helps you lose weight and control diabetes.

Benefits of green banana biomass