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Meet the injection to treat growth retardation


Biomatrop is a medicine that contains human somatropin in its composition, a hormone responsible for stimulating bone development in children with a lack of natural growth hormone, and can be used to treat short stature.

This medicine is produced by Aché-Biosintética laboratories and can only be purchased with a prescription at pharmacies, in the form of injections that must be administered at the hospital by a doctor or nurse.


The price of Biomatrop is approximately 230 reais for each ampoule of medicine, however, it may vary according to the place of purchase.

What is it for

This medication is indicated for the treatment of dwarfism in people with open epiphysis or growth retardation in children due to lack of natural growth hormone, Turner syndrome or chronic renal failure.

How to apply

Biomatrop must be applied by a health professional and the treatment dose must always be calculated by the doctor, according to each case. However, the recommended dose is:

  • 0.5 to 0.7 IU / Kg / week, diluted in water for injection and divided into 6 to 7 subcutaneous injections or 2 to 3 intramuscular injections.

If subcutaneous injections are preferred, it is important to change the sites between each injection to avoid lipodystrophy.

This medication should be kept in the refrigerator at a temperature between 2 and 8º, for a maximum of 7 days.

Possible side effects

Some of the most common side effects of using Biomatrop include fluid retention, high blood pressure, increased heart rate, muscle pain, weakness, joint pain or hypothyroidism.

Who should not use

Biomatrop is contraindicated for people with growth retardation with consolidated epiphysis, in cases of suspected tumor or cancer or in people with allergies to any of the components of the formula.

In addition, this remedy can only be used on pregnant women and breastfeeding women under the continuous guidance of a doctor who specializes in this type of treatment.

Meet the injection to treat growth retardation