Home Bulls Bisalax



Bisalax is a medication with a stimulating laxative effect that has Bisacodil as its active ingredient. It is used to facilitate evacuation.

Bisalax is a medicine for oral or rectal use, which when in contact with the intestine promotes an increase in its functioning.

Bisalax indications


Bisalax side effects

Stomach ache; stomach discomfort; abdominal colic; nausea; fainting; vomiting.

Bisalax contraindications

Individuals with appendicitis; Individuals with ulcers; children under 6; hemorrhoid; individuals with fissures in the rectum.

How to use Bisalax

Oral use

Bisalax should be taken before bed or before breakfast, with 1 glass of water or fruit juice. Never take this medicine with milk or together with antacids.


  • Administer 10 to 15 mg in a single dose.

Children over 6 years

  • Administer 5 to 10 mg in a single dose.

Rectal use

Adults and children over 6 years

  • Administer 10 mg.