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Bisinosis: what it is, symptoms and how to treat


Bisinosis is a type of pneumoconiosis that is caused by inhaling small particles of cotton, flax or hemp fibers, which leads to a narrowing of the airways, resulting in difficulty breathing and a feeling of pressure in the chest. See what pneumoconiosis is.

The treatment of bisinosis is done using drugs that promote airway dilation, such as Salbutamol, which can be administered with the aid of an inhaler. Learn more about Salbutamol and how to use it.

Symptoms of Bisinosis

Bisinosis has as main symptoms the difficulty to breathe and the sensation of marked pressure in the chest, which occurs due to the narrowing of the airways.

Bisinosis can be confused with bronchial asthma, but unlike asthma, the symptoms of bisinosis can disappear when a person is no longer exposed to cotton particles, for example, as on a weekend of work. See what are the symptoms and treatment of bronchial asthma.

How the diagnosis is made

The diagnosis of bisinosis is made through a test that detects the decrease in lung capacity. After checking the decrease in respiratory capacity and narrowing of the airways, it is important to control contact with cotton, linen or hemp fibers in order to prevent the disease or its progression.

The people most affected are those who work with cotton in the raw form and usually manifest the symptoms during the first day of work, due to the first contact with the fibers.

How to treat

Treatment for bisinosis is done with the use of bronchodilator drugs, which must be taken while the symptoms of the disease last. For complete remission, it is necessary that the person be removed from their workplace, so that they are no longer exposed to cotton fibers.

Bisinosis: what it is, symptoms and how to treat