Home Symptoms Jaw cramp: why it happens and what to do

Jaw cramp: why it happens and what to do


Cramping in the jaw occurs when the muscles in the region under the chin contract involuntarily, causing pain in the region, difficulty opening the mouth and the sensation of a hard ball in the area.

So, like any other type of cramp, this condition causes a lot of pain and usually arises after yawning, when it is necessary to use these muscles, known as genioglossus and geniohyoid, to lift the tongue.

Although it is very uncomfortable, cramping in the jaw is usually a temporary situation that resolves in a few minutes, requiring no special treatment.

Main symptoms

The main symptom of cramping in the jaw, or under the chin, is the appearance of very severe pain in the region. However, it is common for pain to be accompanied by:

  • Difficulty opening or moving the mouth; Sensation of rigid tongue; Presence of a hard ball under the chin.

In some cases, the pain can also affect the neck and ears, especially when it lasts for several minutes.

How to relieve cramping pain

One of the easiest and fastest ways to relieve the pain caused by cramps is to give a light massage to the muscle, using the tip or knuckles. However, applying heat to the area can also help, especially when the cramp is slow to disappear.

After the cramp disappears, it is normal for the pain to subside but still remain for some time, as it is common for the muscle to be sore, needing time to recover.

In addition, as cramps are relatively common, there are some ways to try to prevent them from recurring, such as slowly opening your mouth, whenever you need to yawn, as well as trying to keep your tongue at the bottom of your mouth, to avoid contracting excess muscles in the region.

Why cramp happens

In most cases, the cramp happens after yawning, when there is an excessive and rapid contraction of the muscles responsible for lifting the tongue. However, other situations that may also be the cause of cramps include:

  • Speaking for a long time without rest: this cause is more frequent in teachers or singers, for example; Chewing very hard: it can happen when you have a very large piece of food or when the food is very hard; Magnesium and potassium deficiency: the lack of these minerals causes the appearance of spasms in various muscles of the body; Lack of vitamin B: in addition to deficiency in minerals, the lack of any type of vitamin B complex can also cause frequent cramps in any muscle in the body; Dehydration: the lack of water in the body also hinders muscle function, facilitating the appearance of cramps.

In addition, being very tired or having excessive stress can also contribute to the onset of cramps, since they hinder the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Thus, if the cramp is very frequent, it is important to consult a doctor to assess if there is any cause that needs more specific treatment.

Jaw cramp: why it happens and what to do