Home Symptoms Tiredness in the legs: what can be and how to relieve

Tiredness in the legs: what can be and how to relieve


The main cause of feeling tired in the legs is poor circulation, also called chronic venous insufficiency, because in this disease the valves of the veins are weakened, which hinders the flow of blood, causing the appearance of varicose veins and symptoms such as weight in the legs., tingling, pain and cramps.

However, if tiredness in the legs is accompanied by other symptoms, such as pain, weakness or difficulty walking, other diseases should also be considered, such as muscle changes, insufficient arteries or diabetes neuropathy, for example. If you want to know about leg pain, know the causes and how to treat this problem.

To confirm the cause of this problem, it is necessary to consult with the doctor, who will be able to make the physical evaluation and request exams such as ultrasound of the lower limbs.

Main causes

Leg fatigue can be caused by:

1. Poor circulation of the veins

Also known as chronic venous disease, this change causes uncomfortable symptoms that affect the legs such as feeling heavy or tired, pain, tingling, cramps and swelling.

This change is very common, and usually forms varicose veins, which are small spider veins that can be visible on the skin or are deep. It is usually caused by family genetics, although some risk factors contribute to its appearance, such as obesity, standing for a long time, wearing high heels or sedentary lifestyle, for example.

How to treat: The treatment is indicated by the angiologist or vascular surgeon, and consists of measures to relieve symptoms, such as the use of elastic stockings, pain relievers or drugs that relieve blood flow, such as Diosmin and Hesperidin. However, the definitive treatment is done with surgery. Read more about the causes and what to do in case of poor circulation.

2. Decreased blood flow in the arteries

Peripheral arterial disease is poor circulation that affects the arteries, so it is more serious and causes more intense symptoms, as it is the arteries that carry oxygen and nutrients to the body's tissues.

The most common symptom is pain in the legs when walking, which improves with rest, however, other possible symptoms are tired legs, tingling, cold, pale feet and legs, erectile dysfunction and the appearance of wounds that do not heal.

How to treat it: the angiologist will guide the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits, such as quitting smoking, losing weight, exercising and controlling diabetes or high blood pressure, as they are major risk factors for this disease. Remedies for cholesterol and to improve blood circulation, such as AAS and cilostazol are usually indicated. In severe cases, surgery is indicated. Better understand what peripheral arterial disease is and how to treat it.

3. Physical unpreparedness

The lack of physical exercise causes the muscles to atrophy, called sarcopenia, which makes physical efforts increasingly difficult and causes muscle fatigue more easily, with symptoms such as feeling weak, tired, cramping and shortness of breath.

Especially affected by muscle weakness are people who are bedridden or sitting for a long time, or who have diseases that hinder activities, such as lung, heart or neurological diseases.

How to treat it: to prevent and treat muscle weakness, it is necessary to practice physical activities such as walking, water aerobics or weight training, preferably after the doctor's release and guided by a physical educator. Find out what are the symptoms of sarcopenia and how to regain muscle mass.

4. Diabetes

When diabetes is not well controlled over the years, it can cause damage to the nerves in the body, a condition called diabetic neuropathy. This change mainly affects the feet, but can compromise the legs, in addition to several other body locations.

The main symptoms include pain, burning and burning, tingling, pins and needles sensation, or loss of sensation in the affected limb, which facilitates the appearance of wounds that do not heal, causing difficulties in walking and even amputation.

How to treat: The treatment is carried out by the endocrinologist, mainly done with the adequate control of blood glucose with antidiabetic drugs or insulin. There are medications that the doctor may recommend to relieve symptoms, such as pain relievers, antidepressants and antiepileptics, for example. Read more about this problem in Diabetic Neuropathy.

5. Muscle diseases

Diseases that affect the muscles are called myopathies, and can cause feelings of tiredness and weakness in the legs, in addition to pain, tingling, cramps, stiffness, spasms and difficulty in getting around.

This cause of tiredness in the legs is more rare, and some of the main causes include:

  • Autoimmune inflammatory diseases, such as polymyositis, dermatomyositis or myositis due to inclusion bodies; Muscle damage caused by drugs, such as Ciprofibrate, corticosteroids, Valproate or Etanercept, for example; Muscle intoxication, by the consumption of substances such as alcohol; Inflammation of the muscles caused by infections, such as HIV, CMV or toxoplasmosis, for example; Hormonal changes, such as hyper or hypothyroidism; Muscular dystrophies, which are inherited diseases in which there is degeneration of the membrane surrounding the muscle, or other genetic diseases.

Muscle changes can also be caused indirectly by metabolic or neurological diseases, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or myasthenia gravis, for example.

How to treat: the treatment is indicated by the doctor according to its cause, which may include the use of medications to regulate the immune system, antibiotics or adjustments to the medications used.

Tiredness in the legs: what can be and how to relieve