Home Symptoms Blood phlegm: what it can be and what to do

Blood phlegm: what it can be and what to do


The presence of blood in the phlegm is not always an alarm signal for a serious problem, especially in young and healthy people, being, in these cases, almost always related to the presence of prolonged cough or dryness of the membranes of the respiratory system, which end up bleeding.

However, if the amount of blood in the phlegm is very high, if it lasts for more than 3 days, or if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as difficulty in breathing or wheezing, it is important to see a general practitioner or a pulmonologist, as it can also be a symptom of a more serious problem, such as a respiratory infection or even cancer.

Thus, some of the most common causes for the presence of blood in the phlegm are:

1. Prolonged cough

When you have an allergy or the flu and have a dry, strong and prolonged cough, the presence of blood when coughing is relatively frequent, due to irritation of the airways, which can end up mixed with the phlegm. This situation is temporary and is usually not serious, disappearing after a few days, especially when the cough improves.

What to do: the ideal is to try to calm the cough to reduce irritation of the airways. A good option is to drink plenty of water during the day and take a homemade honey syrup with propolis, for example. See how to prepare this syrup and other natural cough recipes.

2. Use of anticoagulants

People who are using anticoagulant drugs, such as warfarin or heparin, are at increased risk of bleeding from various parts of the body as the blood gets thinner. Thus, it is possible that, if there is a slight irritation of the airways, due to an allergy, for example, there may be a small bleeding that is eliminated with cough and phlegm.

What to do: if the amount of blood present in the phlegm is small, it is not an alarm signal, however, if there is a large bleeding, you should go to the hospital.

3. Respiratory infections

Another relatively common cause of blood in the phlegm is the development of an infection in the lung, which can range from a simple infection, such as the flu, to more serious conditions such as pneumonia or tuberculosis, for example.

In case of respiratory infection, it is also common for other symptoms to appear, such as yellowish or greenish phlegm, difficulty breathing, pale skin, bluish fingers, fever and chest pain. Check for other signs that help identify a case of lung infection.

What to do: If a respiratory infection is suspected, it is always important to consult a pulmonologist to confirm the diagnosis, identify the cause and start the most appropriate treatment, which may include an antibiotic.

4. Bronchiectasis

Bronchiectasis is a chronic condition in which there is a permanent dilation of the bronchi of the lung, causing an excessive production of phlegm, as well as a sensation of frequent shortness of breath. In addition, the presence of blood in the phlegm is also a very common sign.

This condition has no cure, but treatment with medicines prescribed by the pulmonologist allows to relieve symptoms during crises. Better understand what bronchiectasis is and how to identify it.

What to do: Bronchiectasis should always be diagnosed by a doctor, so that proper treatment can begin. Thus, if this condition is suspected, a pulmonologist should be consulted for tests, such as X-rays, and to observe the characteristics of the bronchi.

5. Bronchitis

Bronchitis is a lung problem that is often also associated with the release of phlegm with blood, as it is common for a person to have chronic bronchitis, where there is recurrent inflammation of the bronchi, which increases the irritation of the airways and the chances bleeding.

In cases of bronchitis, the phlegm is usually white or slightly yellow, accompanied by the presence of some blood, wheezing when breathing, frequent tiredness and shortness of breath. See other symptoms and find out what treatments can be used.

What to do: rest and adequate water intake are often able to relieve the symptoms of bronchitis, however, if the symptoms are persistent or if the difficulty in breathing becomes worse, it is advisable to go to the hospital, as it may be necessary to use of corticosteroids directly into the vein. People who suffer from chronic bronchitis should be followed up by the pulmonologist, starting using the medications indicated by the doctor as soon as the first signs of crisis appear.

6. Pulmonary edema

Pulmonary edema, also popularly known as "water in the lung", occurs when there is an accumulation of fluids within the respiratory system, and is therefore more common in people with heart problems, such as congestive heart failure, in which blood is not present. properly pumped by the heart and therefore accumulates inside the lung.

In these cases, the released phlegm can be reddish or pink and has a slight foam consistency. In addition, other common symptoms are difficulty in breathing, bluish lips and fingers, chest pain and rapid heartbeat.

What to do: pulmonary edema is considered a medical emergency. Thus, if you have a heart problem and you suspect a change in the lung, it is very important to go quickly to the emergency room, to confirm the diagnosis and start the most appropriate treatment that, in the case of edema, is done in hospital at the hospital. Learn more about treating this condition.

7. Lung cancer

Lung cancer is a more rare condition, but it can also cause blood phlegm to appear. This type of cancer is more common in people over 40 and who are smokers.

Other symptoms that can also appear in cases of lung cancer include persistent cough that does not improve, weight loss, hoarseness, back pain and extreme tiredness. See the 10 signs that can indicate lung cancer.

What to do: Whenever there is a suspicion of cancer, especially in people with risk factors, it is very important to consult the pulmonologist to do all the necessary tests, confirm the diagnosis and start treatment. Generally, the earlier the cancer is identified, the easier it will be to achieve a cure.

When to go to the doctor

It is important to go to the doctor whenever there is a lot of discomfort, however, the situations that should be evaluated more quickly are:

  • Phlegm with blood that does not improve after 3 days; Presence of large amounts of blood in the phlegm; Presence of other symptoms such as high fever, severe difficulty in breathing, pale skin, fingers and bluish lips.

In addition, if bloody phlegm is a very recurrent symptom, it is also important to see a doctor, who may be the general practitioner or the pulmonologist.

Usually, to investigate this type of symptoms, the doctor can pass tests such as lung X-ray, spirometry or computed tomography, for example.

Blood phlegm: what it can be and what to do